1985 Volume 1 Issue 1 |
- Letter from the President (Elsa Hochwald)
- List of Founding Members
- A Letter by Mr. David Davis
- Secretary's Report
- Limits to Local Research
- Foote Family Reunion (Lloyd Foote)
- Member's Interest Cards
- Members' Interests
- New Acquisitions
- Can You Help?
1985 Volume 1 Issue 2 |
- Letter from the President (Elsa Hochwald)
- ANLA - Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives
- Report of the First General Meeting of NLGS (Janet Miller Pitt)
- On a Foreign Strand
- Research Interests
- Butt - Devon or Dorset (W. John Butt)
- Newfoundland Historical Society
- Federation of Family History Societies
- Report on the Founding and Activities of NLGS, 1984 (Janet Miller Pitt)
- Topsail United Church Records (Ruby Hynes)
- The Handling of Archival Collections (P.F. Kenney)
- Ask Your Family Tree
- List of Founding Members
1985 Volume 1 Issue 3 |
- Christ Church, Quidi Vidi
- Letter from the President
- NLGS Report - Workshop, 15 January 1985
- John Andrews of Dorset, Greenspond and Cape Island (1799-1865) (C.K. Andrews)
- Research Interests
- Constitution for NLGS
- The Public Record Office, London (Pam Morgan)
- Public Record Office, London (G. Morgan)
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee
- Family History in Prince Edward Island (Janet Miller Pitt)
- What's in a Name
- References Which I Have Found Helpful in the Compilation of Family Trees (C.K. Andrews)
- List of New Members
1985 Volume 1 Issue 4 |
- Update (Elsa Hochwald, President)
- "Squire" John Lake of Fortune and Dinah Patten of Grand Bank (Margaret Mullins)
- The Fifth National Genealogical Conference, Salt Lake City (Judy McGrath)
- Databases are for Genealogy (Douglas J. Squires)
- Edward Tompkins, Map Archivist
- Library News (Kitty Power)
- The Centre for Newfoundland Studies and the Genealogist (Anne Alexander)
- 'Squires' in Newfoundland (Douglas J. Squires)
- Research Interests
- Genealogical Sources at the Provincial Reference Library (Kitty Power)
- Maps for the Family Historian (Alan Rushton)
- List of Members
1986 Volume 2 Issue 1 |
- Anniversary Issue (Elsa Hochwald)
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee
- Federation of Family History Societies
- Are Your Family Roots in Labrador? (Burnham Gill)
- Exchange of Newsletters
- Dr. Bobbie Robertson - Newfoundland Historical Society (E. Hochwald)
- Our Newfoundland Visit (Robert Halfyard)
- Research Interests
- Some Thoughts on Research (P.F. Kenney)
- Mildred Howard
- New Arrivals at the Provincial Archives (Don Morris)
- Library News
- List of New Members
1986 Volume 2 Issue 2 |
- Update (Elsa Hochwald)
- Your Fortune in England ... Fact or Fantasy? (F. Burnham Gill)
- The People of Musgravetown (F. Burnham Gill)
- Annual General Meeting
- A Report on Our First Anniversary
- Descendants of James Reynolds (Cecil Reynolds)
- Library News (Kitty Power)
- The Missing Link (Earl C. Baggs)
- NLGS Financial Statement, 9 October 1984 to 18 October 1985 (Judy Foote, Treasurer)
- Research Interests
- Variants (Reg Coates)
- The Newfoundland Historical Society, Newfoundland History 1986
- Wessex Society
- Ontario Genealogical Society
- Members' Forum
- Exchange of Newsletters
- List of New Members
1986 Volume 2 Issue 3 |
- Update (Elsa Hochwald)
- Your Family Crest ... Does It Exist? (F. Burnham Gill)
- Some Historical Facts about Random Sound (F. Burnham Gill)
- Annual General Meeting, 22 April 1986 (Clifford Andrews)
- Constitution
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee - A Report
- Bridging the Gap Between Scilly Cove and Poole: A Newfoundler's Quest for his English Roots (Otto Tucker)
- The Woman from North America (Desmond Danes)
- Domesday Book
- New at the Archives
- Research Interests
- CO 194/24, Folio 298, 1744 - To the Governor and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Island of Newfoundland (Margaret Mullins)
- NLGS Interim Financial Statement, 18 October 1985 - 22 April 1986 (Judy Foote, Treasurer)
- Ontario Genealogical Society Receives a Coat of Arms on its 25th Anniversary
- Somerset & Dorset Family History Society
- It's a Small World! (Reg J. Coates)
- Reynolds Family Charts, continued (Cecil Reynolds)
- List of New Members
1986 Volume 2 Issue 4 |
- Update (Elsa Hochwald, Editor)
- Old Records of Bonavista, Burin and Harbour Grace Now Available at the United Church Archives (F. Burnham Gill)
- How Close to You is a Fifth or Sixth Cousin? (F. Burnham Gill)
- Vital Statistics from Newspapers
- Musgrave Harbour (R.W. Guy)
- Early Newfoundland Nominal Censuses - Critical Documents for the Genealogist (Dr. W. Gordon Handcock)
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee
- Research Interests
- Shipping Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- In Memoriam - Aquila Miller
- An Early Newfoundland Pelley (Mary Ann Gallup)
- Manitoba Genealogical Society - Tenth Anniversary Seminar
- Report on the Manitoba Genealogical Seminar (George Snelgrove)
- More Genealogical Charts of Descendants of James Reynolds of Topsham in Devon, Who Settled at Mulley's Cove, Conception Bay in circa 1769 (Cecil John Reynolds)
- Library News
- New Members
1987 Volume 3 Issue 1 |
- Anniversary Update (Elsa Hochwald, President)
- Family Relationship: The Princess of Wales (Lady Diana Frances Spencer) and Aubrey George Spencer, First Anglican Bishop of Newfoundland (1839-1843) (Dr. Hans Rollman)
- Halfyard Heritage
- The Mauger Family of Guernsey? No! My Royal Connections? No! (Oh, What the Heck!) The King and I! (Margaret Mullins)
- Winsor / Windsor (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Book Review
- Missing Records Cause Problems for Researchers (F. Burnham Gill)
- Military Medals and their Use for Genealogists (George Snelgrove)
- Butler Genealogy (Edward Luther Johns)
- Library News (Kitty Power)
- The General Meeting, 27 October 1986 (Clifford K. Andrews)
- Membership Report (J. Foote)
- Research Interests
- Federation of Family History Societies
- List of New Members
1987 Volume 3 Issue 2 |
- Update
- Who Shall be Termed "Esquire"? (F. Burnham Gill)
- A Guide to Searching Your Twillingate Roots (F. Burnham Gill)
- Notes from the Labrador - Adults Received into Church Membership, Moravian Mission, Hopedale
- The Smith Family (J. Foote)
- Families of County Waterford (Hilary Murphy)
- Report of Cemetery Cataloguing Committee (Deanne Peters)
- A Pleasant Dip (George Snelgrove)
- The Garrett Connection (Eric M. Garrett)
- The Indicator, 24 August 1844 - List of Contributors to the Repeal Fund at Brigus, &c.
- Lebanon Immigration to Newfoundland (E.V. Chafe)
- Summer Research at Devon, Dorset and Hampshire County Record Offices (Les Winsor)
- Beginning Genealogy (Elsa Hochwald)
- Names of Inhabitants in Humber Arm, Bay of Islands - Bishop Field's Visitation, 1849
- Research Interests
- List of Members
1987 Volume 3 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (George Snelgrove)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald)
- Report of the Annual General Meeting
- Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
- Family Names of St. George's Bay (F. Burnham Gill)
- The Young Family of Bay St. George, Nfld (Allan T. Stride)
- The Rowe (Reault) Family of Bay St. George, Nfld (Allan T. Stride)
- The Gaudet Family of Bay St. George, Nfld (Allan T. Stride)
- The Jesso Family of Bay St. George, Nfld (Allan T. Stride)
- Book Review (Elsa Hochwald)
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - A Document from St. George's Bay, 1858 (David Davis)
- Research Interests
- Heritage Conference '87
- Foote Family - Newfoundland Reunion Trip
- Newfoundland Historical Society
- NLGS Financial Statement, 18 October 1985 - 31 October 1986
- Publication Order Form
- List of New Members
1987 Volume 3 Issue 4 |
- Third Anniversary Seminar
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald)
- President's Report (George Snelgrove)
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - Queen Anne Petition 1709 (David Davis)
- Written in Stone (Donald and Mildred West)
- Crown Lands Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Exploits Reunion
- The Oke Family in Newfoundland (John Templeton)
- Some Newfoundland Names in Nova Scotia before 1900 (T.M. Punch)
- Research Interest
- Some Newfoundland Names in the Maritime Records (B. Murphy)
- Computer Interest Group
- Summer Sun in January (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael A. Bromley)
- Membership Secretary (Georgina Howell)
- Genealogical Research Directory
- Membership Listing - Geographical Breakdown
- Publications Order Form
- List of New Members
- Registration Form
1988 Volume 4 Issue 1 |
- Keeping in Touch (George F. Snelgrove, President)
- Editor's Update
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - Dog Act, 1888 (David Davis)
- President's Report: Family History Seminar 1987
- Baggs Family, Broad Cove (Earl C. Baggs)
- Lord, Protect the Savers! (G.R. Snelgrove)
- Do You Have an Indirect Ancestor (F. Burnham Gill)
- Residents of Flat Island, Placentia Bay, 1874 (F. Burnham Gill)
- We've Come a Long Way (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Research Interests
- The Library Collection
- National Forum on Heraldry in Canada (John D. Blackwell, MA)
- Book Reviews
- Researchers of Scottish Immigrants
- The New Zealand Genealogist
- Newfoundland Historical Society
- Publication Order Form
- List of New Members
1988 Volume 4 Issue 2 |
- Keeping in Touch (George Snelgrove, President)
- Editor's Update
- Notes from the Archives - Sealers Wrecked off Fogo, April 1870 (David Davis)
- Old Basque Tombstones at Placentia (E. Hochwald)
- 18th, 19th Century Harbour Grace & Carbonear (F.B. Gill)
- The Efford's of Petty Harbour
- The Benoit Family of Bay St. George (A.T. Stride)
- The Newfoundland Connection (H. Bennett)
- "Mayo" Lind (G. Snelgrove)
- Research Interest
- Marriages of Newfoundlanders from St. Mary's Basilica, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1857-1860
- Newfoundlanders Buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia (T.M. Punch, CG(C))
- Announcing: Birth of an Archives in Conception Bay South (J. Smith)
- Library News
- The Frohmayer Girls
- A Chain of Events (M. Mullins)
- Decks Awash (J. Foote)
- Book Review
- Publications Order Form
- List of New Members
1988 Volume 4 Issue 3 |
- Keeping in Touch (George Snelgrove, President)
- Francis Thomas (Frank) St. John (John F. O'Mara)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald)
- Western Chapter NLGS
- Genealogical Handbook of the Atlantic Provinces
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - Court Records and Genealogy (David Davis)
- 19th Century Trend (Burnham Gill)
- Newfoundland Population (Terrence M. Punch, CG(C))
- An Address (James J. O'Mara, PhC)
- Trinity Historical Society
- Partial List of the Inhabitants of St. John's, 1781
- Gaining Qualifications in Genealogy (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Research Interest
- Book Reviews
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee (Edward V. Chafe, CG(C))
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael Bromley)
- Montbeliard Monument
- Germans in Newfoundland (Dr. Gerhard Bassler)
- Newfoundlanders Buried at the Holy Cross Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Terrence M. Punch, CG(C))
- Pedigree Chart - Stapleton (Mary Stapleton Lawlor)
- Financial Statements, NLGS, 31 March 1988
- Federation Publications (FFHS)
- Publication Order Form
- Membership List
1988 Volume 4 Issue 4 |
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- In Appreciation (George F. Snelgrove, President)
- Meetings
- Logo Contest
- Note from the Provincial Archives - Cully's Bridge, Bay Bulls (David Davis)
- A Newfoundlander in New Zealand
- Pere Guinchard
- Searching for Your Harbour Grace Roots (F. Burnham Gill)
- Petition of Residents of Bay St. George (Allan Stride)
- Searching for Roots, A Journey in Self-Identity (Dr. Charles Nienkirchen)
- RC Burials for the Garrison of St. John's (Edward V. Chafe, CG(C))
- Report of the Annual Meeting (G. Snelgrove)
- Gaining Qualifications in Genealogy, Part Two (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- A Moment in Time, Placentia Bay (Reg Coates)
- Research Interest
- Book Reviews
- House Pedigree Chart (Bev Sherman)
- Saint Paul's Anglican Church Parish Registers, Trinity (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- List of New Members
- Genealogical Research Directory
- Newfoundland Historical Society
- Miscellaneous
- Publication Order Form / Membership Form
1989 Volume 5 Issue 1 |
- Growth and Change (George F. Snelgove, President)
- Soiree 88 Celebrations
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Diary of 1888 (John F. O'Mara)
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - William Warn Ledger, 1749-1759, Old Perlican, Trinity Bay (Howard Brown, Archivist)
- The Islands of Green Bay, 1886-1888 (F. Burnham Gill, J.P.)
- Hiring a Researcher for Family History (Terrence M. Punch, CG(C))
- Heraldry: A Reading List for Beginners (George F. Snelgrove)
- Cleveland Family History Society Conference and Council Meeting of the Federation of Family History Societies
- Baggs Family Chart (Earl Baggs)
- Research Interest
- Old Roman Catholic Inscriptions, Bennett's Lane, Harbour Grace, Conception Bay (Edward Vincent Chafe, CG(C))
- Hugh Peskett, the Super Family History Detective
- A Moment in Time - A Continuation (Reg Coates)
- Devil's Cove - Job's Cove (Judy Foote)
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael Bromley)
- Saint Paul's Anglican Church Marriage and Burial Registers, Trinity, Trinity Bay - British Strays (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- The Final Stage or Writing a Family History Book (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Book Reviews
- Membership Forms / Publication Order Form
1989 Volume 5 Issue 2 |
- Archivists and Genealogical Researchers (George F. Snelgove, President)
- Annual General Meeting
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Logo
- They Peyton Papers, An Overview (Cathy Simpson)
- Newfoundlanders in the Twenty-Fifth Battalion, CEF 1914-16 (Terrence M. Punch, CG(C))
- Ancestors of Reeks and Rogers
- Villa Nova Monument Project (Regina O'Keefe)
- Early Inhabitants of Burin (F. Burnham Gill, J.P.)
- Carbonear Heritage Society
- The David Barrett Family, Our Newfoundland Heritage (David G. Barrett)
- From The Diocesan Magazine, October 1983 (Marguerite Taylor)
- Trinity Historical Society
- The Last Word (Epitaphs and Tombstones) (Leo Moakler)
- Research Interest
- Report from the Cemetery Cataloguing Committee (Edward-Vincent Chafe, CG(C))
- A Moment in Time, A Continuation (Reg Coates)
- An Excerpt from "Cape Breton Over" by Clare Denis (Allan T. Stride)
- Book Reviews
- The Language of Heraldry (George F. Snelgrove)
- Exchange Journals
- Tracing Your Family History, An Introduction to Genealogy (Division of Extension Service, Memorial University)
- Aquaforte Petition, 1827 (Kevin Reddigan)
- Reunion - International Haskell Family Association
- Inscription from Labrador (Charles F. Gower)
- Membership List
- Publication Order Form / Membership Form
1989 Volume 5 Issue 3 |
- Kevin Reddigan, President
- Editor's Update
- Annual General Meeting (George F. Snelgrove)
- Thomas Ruck Lecture (Howard Brown)
- The English Connection (Mildred West)
- More of the Last Word (Leo Moakler)
- Names from Wesleyan/Methodist Burial Register 1850-1895 (F. Burnham Gill)
- Research Interest
- Act of William III, Chapter 25 (George F. Snelgrove)
- Book Reviews
- Heraldry Flourishes in Canada (John Blackwell, MA)
- Tribute to Don Morris, Genealogist
- 1836 Lists from River Head, Harbour Grace, Perrys Cove, Marshalls Folly, and Western Bay (Edward V. Chafe, CG(C))
- The Education of an Eighteenth Century Immigrant (S. Gordon Miles)
- Financial Statement, 31 March 1988 - 31 March 1989
- Coish Family Chart (Earl Baggs)
- Notices
- Publications Order Form
- Membership Form
1989 Volume 5 Issue 4 |
- Kevin Reddigan (President)
- Membership and Financial Year Revisions
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Researching in Ireland (John F. O'Mara)
- An Nasc - The Newsletter of the D'Arcy McGee Chair of Irish Studies, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia - Waterford, Newfoundland Baptisms and Marriages in the 18th Century
- Fishing Rooms, Greenspond, 1726-1806 (circa) (F. Burnham Gill)
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - Names of Paupers in Poor Asylum, 30 September 1864 - 31 January 1865 (Howard Brown)
- Newfoundland Weekly (Boston) (Harold A. Pretty)
- Fishermen Lost at Sea Aboard Vessels from Gloucester, Mass
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael A. Bromley)
- The Irwin Family (Joanna M. Hosteny)
- Meech Family Chart (Dora P. Fitch)
- Research Interest
- Records from the Southern District Court Registry of Deeds (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Book Reviews
- Family History Societies in Scotland
- Directory of Archival Collections in Newfoundland and Labrador 1989 (Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives)
- Channel Islands Family History Society (Mrs. E. M. Jepson)
- Favourite Family Recipe for Dark Fruitcake
- New Members
1990 Volume 6 Issue 1 |
- Kevin Reddigan (President)
- Editor's Update
- Fifth Anniversary Celebrations
- The Belvedere Cemetery Project
- Launching of And They Stayed!
- Bishop's Falls Residents (Maxwell Taylor)
- Filling the Genealogical Gaps (F. B. Gill)
- Time Capsule Project - Newfoundland Historic Trust
- William Pickering, Account Books, 1695-1718 (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- A Cry for Help (Judy Foote)
- Research Interest
- Granny Ross (Allan T. Stride)
- Miscellaneous Wills and Deeds 1786-1805 (Margaret Mullins)
- Society Library Update (Charles Cameron)
- Newfoundland Strays
- Book Reviews
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael A. Bromley)
- 1846 Royal Gazette 1862
- Trinity Historical Society
- Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies
- Counsel to the Forlorn (B. Elwell)
- Newfoundland and America (Richard Snook)
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee (Edward-Vincent Chafe)
- Study of 1929 Tsunami
- New Members
- Publication Order Form
1990 Volume 6 Issue 2 |
- President's Foreword (Kevin Reddigan)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Postmasters and Postmistresses in Newfoundland in 1864 (F. Burnham Gill)
- Reference and Researcher Service - Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
- The Unmasking of an Ancestor (S. Gordon Myles [Miles])
- Portugal Cove (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Research Interest
- Records from Southern District Court Registry of Deeds (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Family Tree Charts
- Newfoundland Strays
- Tracing Your Family History - An Introduction to Genealogy
- The Mystery of Chance Cove (Leo Moakler)
- Book Reviews
- Notice of Publications from the Federation of Family History Societies
- Acquisitions Archivist Appointed at Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Notices
- How to Write a Book Review (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Notices
- Annual General Meeting (Kevin Reddigan)
- Financial Statement
- New Members
- Publication Order Form
1990 Volume 6 Issue 3 |
- President's Foreword (Kevin Reddigan)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Gravestones - A Genealogical Resource (Dr. Gerald Pocius)
- Report on the Challenge '90 Grant in Twillingate (Pamela Anstey, Jeff Hamlyn and Mark Pelley)
- Report on the Challenge '90 Grant in Ferryland (Kelly Kavanagh)
- News from Gander (Wayne Pike, Chairman)
- Report on the Challenge '90 Grant in St. Anthony (Cathy Pollard)
- An Interesting Letter (Chesley K. Brown)
- A Moment in Time (Reg Coates)
- Amendments to the Adoption Act
- St. John's Old Methodist Records (F. Burnham Gill)
- Earnest Notices from the UK
- The Illustrated History of Newfoundland Light & Power
- Research Interest
- Newfoundland Strays
- Fishermen Lost at Sea Aboard Vessels from Gloucester, Mass.
- Newfoundland French Natives in Cape Breton Island in 1752 (Terrence M. Punch)
- British Wills (Michael Bromley)
- Nova Scotia Links (Mrs. Rufine Swan)
- Family History Chart
- Book Reviews
- In a Lighter Vein or How I Found an Elusive Ancestor (Margaret Mullins)
- The Miles Family of Fortune Bay from Crown Land Records 1831-1931 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Fogo Census 1836 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Communities Listed in Fogo Census (Judy Foote)
- Searching British Merchant Marine Records (Michael A. Bromley)
- New Members
- Membership Form
- Publication Order Form
1990 Volume 6 Issue 4 |
- President's Foreword (Kevin Reddigan)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- A Look at Some Old Nfld Place Names (Leo Moakler)
- Changes in Place Names in Newfoundland (Leslie A. Winsor)
- The Tale of Kenneth Durham's Hand
- Military Service in Newfoundland
- The County of Green Bay - Baptism Records of the 1850s (F. Burnham Gill)
- Value of Court Records Proven Again! (Robert Halfyard)
- Research Interest
- Conclusion of the "Churchill Estate" Saga (Robert Halfyard)
- The Royal Newfoundland Companies - Discharge Records Acquired by the Provincial Archives
- Book Reviews
- Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Newfoundland Strays
- Fishermen Lost at Sea Aboard Vessels from Gloucester, Mass.
- A Newfoundlander in Uruguay
- New Waterford, Nova Scotia Obituaries
- Newfoundlanders Marrying in Sydney Co., Nova Scotia, 1890-1899
- Extracts from 1880 Census - Boston, Mass., USA
- Salem, Massachusetts
- Isle of Man
- Notices
- New Members
1991 Volume 7 Issue 1 |
- Kevin Reddigan (President)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- No Footprints in the Sands of Time (Virginia S. Miner)
- Unfamiliar Names of Old St. John's (Leo Moakler)
- The St. John's Fire of 1819
- Who or What is a Planter?
- The United Church Archives (F. Burnham Gill)
- Research Interest
- The Oxfords of Notre Dame Bay: Notes from Research in Progress (Cathy Simpson)
- A Visit to the Public Record Office (Joanna Hosteny)
- Newfoundland Strays
- A Letter Written by Thomas Marten from Newfoundland to his Friend Sam Carter, back home in Ringwood, Hampshire, England (Marion Fawkes)
- Notes on Some Newfoundland-Hampshire Connections (Cathy Simpson)
- Natives of Newfoundland in 1881 Census of Guysborough County, Nova Scotia (Terrence M. Punch, CG(C))
- Soldiers from the 4th "The Kings Own" Regiment who were stationed in Newfoundland in June 1787 (Joanna Hosteny)
- Book Reviews
- The Newfoundland Ancestor Surname Index Volume 6, 1990
- New Members
1991 Volume 7 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Challenge '91 Grant
- Mistress and Maid
- From the Provincial Archives (Howard C. Brown)
- Bay of Islands 1876 - Some Pioneer Residents (F. Burnham Gill)
- Research Interest
- Newfoundland Strays
- Fishermen Lost at Sea Aboard Vessels from Gloucester, Mass.
- Birth, Death and Marriage Announcements from the Newfoundland Mercantile Journal, 1816-1819
- Newspaper Excerpts from Gloucester, Mass.
- Surname Index Volume 6 (Q)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada
- Preliminary Index of the Anglican Cemetery, Forest Road, St. John's
- Provincial Archives
- Paper Heritage Group of Newfoundland
- New Members
1991 Volume 7 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Challenge '91 Reports
- Bay Roberts
- Burgeo
- Gander
- Grand Bank
- Harbour Grace
- Holyrood
- St. Anthony
- Stephenville
- Torbay
- Twillingate
- Screech and Prohibition (Leo Moakler)
- Great Grandparents at Wesleyville in the District of Bonavista North (F. Burnham Gill)
- Edward-Vincent Chafe CG(C)
- Notes from the Provincial Archives - GN 2/22A1892 (Vol.1) p.68 (Shelley Smith)
- Research Interest
- Newfoundland Strays (Wayne Pike, Newfoundland Strays Editor)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- Just Peter (Dianne C. Jackman)
- The Pynn Family of Newfoundland (John Pynn)
- More About Pynn's (Harold A. Pretty)
- Notices
- Financial Reports
- New Members
1991 Volume 7 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Elsa H. Hochwald, CG(C))
- Congratulations Burn and Mary Gill
- A Miscellany of Nfld Folklore (Leo Moakler)
- A Moment in Time (a continuation) (Reg Coates)
- Residents of St. George's Bay and Bay of Islands 100 Years Ago (F. Burnham Gill)
- The Labrador Straits Historical Development Corporation and the Labrador Straits Heritage Region Project (Douglas Robbins, Executive Director)
- Sundry Requests
- Explaining Surname Indexes
- Research Interest
- 1992 NLGS Annual Research Interest Entry Form
- St. John's and Newfoundland Directories to 1950 at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (Cal Best, Reference and Researcher Services)
- Birth, Death and Marriage Announcements from the Newfoundland Mercantile Journal, 1819-1821
- Extracts from Burgeo Church of England Burial Records (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Will of Robert Carter of Ferryland, 1775 (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Newfoundland Strays (Wayne Pike, Strays Editor)
- Newfoundlanders in Devon, 1851 Census (Edward Chafe)
- Newfoundland Mason of the Pequessette Lodge A. F. & A. M., Watertown, Mass. (D. Power)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar
- Cemetery Inscription in Wolborough, Devon (Edward Chafe)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- What Happened to The Phyllis?
- New Members
1992 Volume 8 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Announcement
- Indexing Program
- Irish Convicts Landed in Bay Bulls and Petty Harbour, 1789 (Ron Fitzpatrick)
- Philip Keough, Lighthouse Keeper (Ronald Fitzpatrick)
- Grand Bank in 1858 - Methodist Congregation Subscribes to the Cost of a New Church Bell and Belfry (F. Burnham Gill)
- Whose Carews (Barbara Elwell)
- The Lure of Bonavista North (Peter Johnson)
- The Fascination & The Excitement (John O'Mara)
- United Church, Lower Island Cove Baptisms 1816-1852 (Jeannie Howse)
- Research Interest
- Definitions (John O'Mara)
- Ye Olden Times - Residents of Bay de Verde Registered in the Early Anglican Records of Trinity 1753-1867, Harbour Grace 1775-1914 (Florence (Blundon) Cowan)
- Newfoundland Strays (Wayne Pike, Strays Editor)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- 1992 Meetings
- Annual General Meeting
- Notices
- New Members
- Membership Form
- Publication Order Form
1992 Volume 8 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Tilt Cove, Green Bay & The Winsor Family - A Brief Vignette (Jill Marshall)
- How to Preserve Your Family Photographs (Ann Devlin-Fisher)
- Return of the SPG Minister in Ferryland and Bay Bulls, 1801 (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Inns in Carbonear & Harbour Grace 1830 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- A Burial Dispute on the Southern Shore (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Lower Island Cove, United Church Burials, 1838-1894 (Jeannie Howse)
- South Australia Emigrants 1849 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Two Lesser Known Genealogical Sources at PANL (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Challenge 1992 Grants
- Early Names at Greenspond, Bonavista Bay (Fred Adams)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Wayne Pike, Strays Editor)
- Research Interest
- 1993 Research Interest Entry Form
- Indexing Committee (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick, Chairman)
- Early Residents of Petty Harbour and When They Arrived in Newfoundland (F. Burnham Gill)
- Eleanor Wells - Honourary Patron
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- Will of Lydia (Green) Simmons (Rosanne L. Goodman)
- Who is Patrick Barrett? (David G. Barrett)
- Currency of Newfoundland (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Annual Reports 1991
- Notices
- Irish Homecoming Festival
- New Members
1992 Volume 8 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Editor's Update (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Application for Sponsorship for Provision of Space
- Committee Notices:
- Census Inventory Committee (Debra Downing, Chairperson)
- Family History Committee Formed (Deborah Jeans Snow, Chairperson)
- Indexing Committee (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick, Chairperson)
- Gander Conference Held
- Early Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland, 1663-1900 (John F. O'Mara)
- Wayne Pike CG(C)
- The Newfoundland Journal of Aaron Thomas - 1794 - A Genealogical Review (Jill Marshall)
- Research Interest Index 1993 Entry Form
- Research Interest
- Devon and the Cod Fishery of Newfoundland (Robert R. Halfyard)
- Challenge '92 Reports (Steve Sharpe, Co-ordinator)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- People Residing at Twillingate in 1874 (F. Burnham Gill)
- New Members
1992 Volume 8 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Editor's Update (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- The Wreck of the Queen of Swansea (John F. O'Mara)
- Letter From Burin, 1929 (Fred Adams)
- A Profile of an Outport Merchant (Fred Adams)
- The Old Graveyards (H.F. Shortis)
- The Story Behind the Stone (Robert C. Parsons)
- The Case of the Mystified Magistrate (John F. O'Mara)
- Justices of the Peace, 1835 Southern District (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Will of Peter Weston, Ferryland, 1775 (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- William Sweetland, Bonavista and Ferryland (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Roberts Arm: A Brief History (Joseph Anthony)
- Early Court Cases and Judgements in St. John's (Fred Adams)
- Pike Publication Established
- Early Residents of Bird Island Cove (Elliston), Bonavista and Catalina (F. Burnham Gill)
- Genealogical Inquiry Policy Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (R. Calvin Best)
- Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, Vital Statistics Division, Department of Health
- Addresses of Major Book Publishers in Newfoundland
- The Maritime History Archive and Genealogical Research (Roberta Thomas)
- Archaeological Funding for Southern Shore
- Wills and Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Review Editor)
- Subscriptions for a Clergyman (Anglican) at Ferryland (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Research Interest
- Sweeney Family Photograph (Dorothy Agriesti)
1993 Volume 9 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Editor's Update (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Tracing the Irish: A Geographical Guide (John Mannion)
- Prince William Henry in Placentia (Hans Rollmann)
- "An Emissary from Hell": Father Patrick Power and the 1788 Riot at Ferryland (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Useful Addresses for Irish Research
- The Irish in Newfoundland (Michael J. McCarthy)
- On the Departure of a Friend to America
- Newfoundland Irish Connections in the Boston Pilot, 1835-1845 (Terrence M. Punch, FRSAI)
- Advertisement from The Royal Gazette March 31, 1818 (Blair Stacey)
- Irish Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in the Anglican Registers of St. John's 1753-1760 (Cyril J. Byrne)
- Miscellaneous Irish Sources at Queen Elizabeth II Library (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Irish Origins from Harbour Grace Headstones (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson, Book Review Editor)
- Research Interest
- Irish Origins: Wills & Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Notices Appearing in The Royal Gazette - 1814 (Dianne C. Jackman)
- Will of John Jackman, Bell Isle, 1810 (Dianne C. Jackman)
- The Dalton Family (Dianne C. Jackman)
1993 Volume 9 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Patrick Walsh)
- Editor's Update (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick, Editor; Elsa Hochwald, Associate Editor)
- Payne Reunion 1992 (Amy Nicolle)
- Challenge 1993 (Elsa Hochwald, Co-ordinator)
- Disaster Fund Update - Donations to NLGS
- Genealogical Sources in the City of St. John's Archives (Helen Miller, Archivist)
- Heritage Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador - Heritage Directory
- Indian Burying Place, Green Bay - Early Families and Cemetery (Jill Marshall)
- The Troubled Origin of Mount Pearl (Leo Moakler)
- The Will of Sir James Pearl (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Ferryland Petition, 1696 (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- Articles by the Rev. Walter R. Smith, 1890-1919 (D.J. Squires)
- First Contingent, World War I (Deborah L. Jeans Snow)
- Annual Reports
- Research Interest
- Vital Statistics Act (Ronald J. Fitzpatrick)
- A Romantic Wedding
- New Members
1993 Volume 9 Issue 3/4 |
- President's Report December 1993 (Patrick Walsh)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Genealogy and the Biographer (David G. Pitt)
- Templeton Family of Twillingate (John Freeland Templeton)
- The Blunden(on,ell) Presence In and After Lower Island Cove (Florence (Blundon) Cowan)
- The Carter Family of Greenspond, Bonavista Bay (Mr. Kenneth James McLea Carter)
- An Appeal for Financial Support in Aid of Mr. Henry Winton, Editor, Public Ledger, 1835 (D.J. Squires)
- The Good Old Days in Adam's Cove, Conception Bay (Dorothy (Power) Skinner)
- Interesting People of Newfoundland, Johnnie Burke and Others (Fred Adams)
- Beyond the Obvious (John F. O'Mara)
- Newfoundland Strays
- Annual Research Index 1994 Entry Form
- Early History of Bell Island (Addison Bown)
- Research Interest
- Trinity Parish Indexing Project (Cec Vivian)
- Family History Collection (Deborah Jeans Snow)
- Exchange Journals (Judy Foote, Exchange Secretary)
- Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements
- New Members
1994 Volume 10 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Patrick Walsh)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Notes on the Ellis and Pinkham Families of Devon and Newfoundland (John C. Street)
- Ananias Case (1808-1863) (David Wells)
- Miscellanea from the Isle of Man (Fred Adams)
- Matthew and Simon Wells of Carbonear (David Wells)
- The Winsor Families in Newfoundland (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Annual Research Index 1995 Entry Form
- Devon and the early Settlement of Newfoundland (Michael J.L. Wickes)
- Indexing Committee (Cec Vivian)
- Research Interest
- Place Origins of Some Families at Channel-Port aux Basques During the mid 19th Century (Jill Marshall)
- Review for Newfoundland Ancestor (Cathy Simpson)
- Wills & Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Redmond Power - List of Contributors to Provide Relief to the Family, April 1900
- Military Members of the Adams Family (Fred Adams)
- The Trinity Trust and the Lester-Garland House
- A Tale from Godalming Mines (Les Sweetapple)
- St. John's 1833 List (F. Burnham Gill)
- New Members
1994 Volume 10 Issue 2 |
- Tenth Anniversary Conference
- President's Report (Patrick Walsh)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Hochwald, CG(C))
- Notes for a Speech to the Rotary Club of St. John's (The Honourable Frederick W. Russell, C.M., K.St.J., LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland)
- English Origins in Newfoundland (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Some Early Records of St. George's Bay, Anglican Church (Margaret Mullins)
- Indexing Committee (Cec Vivian, Chair)
- Labrador Metis Association
- Victims of the Titanic - A Selected List (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest
- A Birth Certificate for Ann (George Snelgrove)
- The Blunden(on, ell) Presence in Lower Island Cove (Florence (Burton) Cowan)
- Book Reviews (Cathy Simpson)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Wayne Pike, Strays Editor)
- South Coast Disaster (Stephen Parsons (1860-1933))
- New Members
1994 Volume 10 Issue 3/4 |
- President's Report (Patrick Walsh)
- Editor's Update (Elsa Flack, CG(C))
- The Lester Diaries and the Summer of 1767 (W. Gordon Handcock)
- The French in Newfoundland (Dr. Michael Wilkshire)
- Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (Cal Best, Head, Reference and Researcher Services)
- Research Interest
- Jukes' Excursions (Jill Marshall)
- Harbour Breton Anglican Marriage Records 1855-1878 (Margaret Mullins)
- Indexing Committee
- Wills & Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- The Byrne Home on Brazil Street (Dianne C. Jackman)
- Computers for Genealogists (Michael K. Barbour)
- Major Book Publishers in Newfoundland
- Indexing Chuckles
- New Members
1995 Volume 11 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Patrick Walsh)
- Letters to the Editor
- The Elusive Gravestone of William Eppes Cormack (Bev Sherman)
- John Cabot
- In Praise of the Local Newspaper (S. Gordon Miles)
- The Press (Kathleen Lopez)
- The Public Library's Newfoundland Collection (Charles Cameron)
- Bonne Bay and Area Place Names (Amy Nicolle)
- Growing Up in Chimney Cove (Eli Payne)
- Research Interest
- A Bicycle Ride for the Trinity Trust
- Trinity Photos
- Canada Remembers Life on the Homefront
- Where Do I Write? (Patrick Walsh)
- Roll of Honour (Fred Adams)
- Newfoundland Strays
- Wills & Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Financial Statement
- 1995 Research Interest Form
- New Members
1995 Volume 11 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- The Founding of NLGS (Janet Miller Pitt)
- NLGS Founding Members
- The Marshall Family of St. John's (Jill Marshall)
- Canada Remembers
- George Families of Hearts Desire (Gerald George)
- Royal Newfoundland Regiment
- First NF Draft of Aircrew Volunteer (Fred Adams)
- Great Grandfather Framed and Hung (Judy Gillingham)
- A Letter to Will (Stephen Walsh)
- Research Interest (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- An 1889 Letter (Geraldine Cake)
- A Visit to the PRO, London (Steve Sharpe)
- Indexing Committee
- Wills and Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
1995 Volume 11 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- The Tea Pot Letter (Geraldine Cake)
- Newfoundland and Bonne Bay: An Early History (Amy Nicolle)
- Winds of Change (Amy Nicolle)
- Bonne Bay Confirmation 1871
- Research Interest (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- New Acquisitions at Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Seeking Recruits (Fred Adams)
- Harbour Breton Anglican Death Records 1848-1888 (Margaret Mullins)
- Gander Branch NLGS (Brenda Young)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- Wills and Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Meetings 1995-1996
1995 Volume 11 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- Origin of Carrols (Edward P. Carroll)
- NLGS Publications
- Irish Rebellion (Ryan Taylor)
- Charge of the Hero Band (Mrs. Beverly Smith)
- Harbour Breton CE Records 1836 (Margaret Mullins)
- Genealogy Oneliners (Patrick Walsh)
- Cornwall Mining Index (Ian Richards)
- NF Police Marriages (Patrick Walsh)
- The Vatcher Family in Nfld (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Irish Verse (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- The Nfld Historical Society
- Deep Bight Cemetery (Pat Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Mr. Leslie A. Winsor)
- Kirby / Wrixon Family History (David Agar)
- Street Family Photo (Judy Gillingham)
- 1996 Research Interest Form
1996 Volume 12 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- The Hiscock & Harnum Families (Elizabeth L. (Hiscock) Ingham)
- Getting the Details, the Loss of the "Little Bell" (Donald & Mildred West)
- Letters Presented by Unemployed 1935 (Mike Power)
- Re: Vatcher Family in Newfoundland (Leslie A. Winsor)
- The Peters Families (Deanne Thomas Peters)
- Sir James Pearl Obituary Notice
- List of Original Members of the Benevolent Irish Society (John O'Mara)
- Newfoundland Elections (Patrick Walsh)
- A Scheme of Ye Fishery & Inhabitants of Bay de Vards for Ye Year 1753 (Florence (Blundon) Cowan)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Some Web Sites (Patrick Walsh)
- Hearn the Grocer (Dianne Jackman)
- Devil's Cove (Rosalind Power)
- Aunt Esther's Rocking Chair (Claire Nault)
- More Genealogy One-Liners (Patrick Walsh)
- Cemetery Records Helpful (Brenda Young)
- NLGS Trinity Parish Records Request Form
- Bay de Verde Anglican Church Records (Florence (Blundon) Cowan)
- Selected Headstones, Bonavista Bay (Patrick Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
1996 Volume 12 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- St. Stephen's Church Pin (Murial (Hulan) Chislett)
- Genealogy and Memorabilia (Judy Gillingham)
- The Loss of George Davis (George F. Snelgrove)
- The Tilley Family of Kelligrews, CB (Jill Marshall)
- Web Sites (Patrick Walsh)
- Early Military History (Marion Wadell)
- Connected to a Saint (Patrick Walsh)
- The Family Bible (Blair Stacey)
- Greenspond Letter / Shambler's Cove
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Gooseberry Islands, Bonavista Bay (Wayne Pike)
- Newfoundlanders Found in 1871 Census for Ontario (Judy Foote)
- St. John's Railway Station
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- Wabana Mines
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Cemetery and Parish Records Database
- Newfoundland Emigration from Boldre, Sway and Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England Pre 1817
- NLGS Trinity Parish Records Request Form
- Cabot and his World Symposium, West County and Channel Island Connections
1996 Volume 12 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- Two Newfoundland Artists (J.G. McRae)
- The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary - 125 Anniversary
- Odd Fellows
- Members of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (Michael F. Power)
- Portugal Cove (Leslie A. Winsor)
- 1775 Hurricane (Alan Ruffman)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Headstone Inscription (Lem Mayo)
- Carnell's of Newfoundland (Laura Cameron)
- Baine Johnston & Co. Ltd (Margie O'Neil)
- A Terrible Death (Blaine F. Dooley)
- Reunions 1997
- The Lennox Family of St. John's (Lorna (MacLellan) West)
- Irish Names in the Royal Gazette
- Caught in the Web - More Web Sites (Patrick Walsh)
- The Pelley, Tilley, & King Families (Ray Leaman)
- Names and Occupations in St. John's 1893 & 1894 (Patrick Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Royal Gazette & NF Advertiser (Cathy Cavendish)
- Plested / Philp Family (John Pynn)
- Meetings
- NLGS Database Information (Steve Delaney)
- Publications
- West County / Channel Islands Connections to Newfoundland
1996 Volume 12 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- Newfoundland Newspapers 1877 (Patrick Walsh)
- My Childhood (Grace Stapleton)
- Parish Priest of Bay Bull
- Guild of One Name Studies (W. Keith Plant)
- The Winsors of Swain's Island, BB (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Selected Headstones Blackhead, Cape Spear (Patrick Walsh)
- 1817 Census for Bareneed & Cupids (Claire Kelly)
- Who Was John Domoney (Dennis Domoney)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- The Matthew's Route
- Mary Walsh Gover (Patrick Walsh)
- Winterton (Dr. Otto Tucker)
- The History of the Family O'Neill (Alan O'Neill)
- Web Sites (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Constabulary 1877 (Patrick Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- 1997 Reunions
- New Members Spring 1995 to Spring 1996
- Canada Wide Health & Medical Archives
- NLGS Financial Report 1995
- NLGS Database Information (Steve Delaney)
- NLGS Publications
- West County, Channel Island Connections to Newfoundland
- NLGS Annual Research Form
1997 Volume 13 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- NLGS Mailing List
- Cabot and his World Symposium (Patricia O'Brien)
- The Church Lad's Brigade (Colonel John Adrian Heffernan)
- Lieutenant-Governors of of Nfld
- Jeremiah White and the Bonavista Light (J.G. McRae)
- Irish Heritage
- Index of Surnames
- Names of Children in Ireland Before the Famine
- Notes on Irish Surnames
- Indian Point, Exploits River Anglican Cemetery (Kelly Froese)
- Genealogy One Liners (Patrick Walsh)
- Joseph Small and his Diary of Burgeo - An Introduction (S. Gordon Miles)
- Nfld. Entertainment Connections (Art Rockwood)
- A Maiden's Fate (George Clement Reid)
- Caught in the Web - More Web Sites (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee (Elsa Flack)
- Tracing Your Roots Through Land Ownership & Early History of English Land Ownership in Newfoundland (Don Hutchens)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
1997 Volume 13 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Dianne Jackman)
- Editors' Column
- NLGS Mailing List
- More Web Sites
- Small's Diary of Burgeo (S. Gordon Miles)
- Bridging the Gap from St. Malo to St. Pierre (Violet Moores)
- The Newhooks of England and Newfoundland (Kathleen Lopez)
- Hooked on Genealogy by Haunting Howletts (Lara Maynard)
- The History of Torbay, A Book Review (Lara Maynard)
- The Ice Hunters, A Book Review (Trine Shioldan)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Our Trip to Newfoundland (Dorothy H. Bonsall)
- Murray Families of Sutherland (Christine F. Stokes)
- The Moravian Church Mission Graveyard, Hebron Labrador (Dale G. Jarvis)
- Mayne Family Photos (John F. Templeton)
- Where in the World is Sivert? (Judy Foote)
- Prime Ministers of Newfoundland
- Strays
- Harbour Grace Letter 1852 (Enid O'Brien)
- St. John's Fire of 1892 (Patrick Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
1997 Volume 13 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (David Wells)
- Editors' Column
- Letters to the Editors
- Small's Diary of Burgeo (S. Gordon Miles)
- Office Report (Jennifer R. Howlett)
- The Pennys of English Harbour, TB (Gordon R. Fraize)
- Michael Foley 1924 Obituary (Gail Keating)
- Meeting Convenor Report (Steve Sharpe)
- Gentle Johnston/es - A Review (Jennifer R. Howlett)
- What's on the Web (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Mailing List
- The Courage Family of Catalina (Lorna (MacLellan) West)
- Total Abstinence Society of St. John's (Patrick Walsh)
- NLGS Publications
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Photographs
1997 Volume 13 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (David Wells)
- Editors' Column
- Trinity East Anglican Cemetery (Patrick Walsh)
- Small's Diary of Burgeo (S. Gordon Miles)
- Newfoundlanders Married in Maine 1892-1966 (Tom Hynes)
- Some Property Owners at Carbonear in the 1830's (Leslie A. Winsor)
- The King versus Lannon (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- What's on the Web (Patrick Walsh)
- Brigus
- Battle Harbour, Labrador
- Newfoundland Book Titles
- Rotary Club of St. John's
- Newfoundland Strays (Lorraine Moores)
- Mooney Obituary (Catherine M. Giblin)
- Merchants and Traders (Patrick Walsh)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Labrador Odyssey - A Book Review (Dale Jarvis)
- Research Interest Form 1998
- NLGS Publications
1998 Volume 14 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (David Wells)
- Editors' Column
- Letters to the Editors
- Newfoundlanders in Maine (John Murrans)
- Small's Diary of Burgeo (S. Gordon Miles)
- Lovell's NF Directory (Patrick Walsh)
- Lovell's 1871, Gaskin, Gastus, George's Cove, Lance Cove, TB
- The Irish Blundons of Olde St. John's (Florence Blundon Cowan)
- The Barnable Family of Ferryland (Steven Barnable)
- Ferryland on the Southern Shore (Patrick Walsh)
- Emberley Families in Newfoundland (Geoff Emberly)
- Mary Bidgood - Petty Harbour (Ray Leaman)
- About Epworth (Judy Gillingham)
- A Mystery - Six Brothers (William John Pellerin)
- Post Adoptions Search Service (Dianne Jackman)
- Butler One Old Name in One Old Place (Arthur Melvin Butler)
- Newfoundland's Roll of Honour - HMCS Niobe (Judy Foote)
- 1901 Census - Toronto (Jill Marshall)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Nfld Strays (Lorraine Moores)
- Strathies of Bonavista (Dale Jarvis)
- Internet & Genealogy (Pat Walsh)
- Surfing the Web (Pat Walsh)
- John & Maria (J.G. McRae)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundlanders Married in Maine (Beryl Tindall)
- NLGS Publications
1998 Volume 14 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (David Wells)
- Editors' Column
- HMCS Niobe
- Lovell's 1871 - Grand Bruit & Goulds
- Butler One Old Name in One Old Place, Part II (Arthur Melvin Butler)
- Alas for Three Arms (Deanne Peters)
- Roughing it on Long Island, PB (Elsa Flack, Violet Moores, Ken Tulk)
- The Sheppard Family of Cupids (David Evans)
- Newfoundland and The Great War (Dr. David Facey-Crowther)
- The Anniversary of The Great War (Georgina Howell)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Researching Family History in Commercial Records (George F. Snelgrove)
- The Millennium British Family History Conference
- Gander Branch, NLGS (Brenda Young)
- Marriages Performed in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Greenspond, 1841-77 (Eric Rogers)
- Women in the Thomas Ruck Ledgers (John Parkinson)
- Nfld Strays (Lorraine Moores)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Financial Statement 1997
- NLGS Publications
1998 Volume 14 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (David Davis)
- Letter to the Editors
- Editors' Column
- Garnish Headstones (Patrick Walsh)
- The Kirk
- The Newfoundland Genealogist in the Nations Capital (Michael K. Barbour)
- The Farr Family Tree (Jill Marshall)
- Standards for Sound Genealogical Research
- The Newmans and the Newman Wine Vaults (Dale Jarvis)
- McAlpines 1904 - Port aux Basques
- McAlpines 1898 - Brunet, PB
- The Bursey Family (Bruce Bursey)
- Sandbanks Cemetery, Burgeo (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Sheppard Family Chart
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Some Oake Records (Barbara Pederson)
- Newfoundland Strays in the 1901 Toronto Census (Jill Marshall)
- Tragedies of a Newfoundland Family (Bonnie Hickey)
- United Church Records, Little Bay Islands (Barbara Pederson)
- Bonfire Dummy (Joyce Flight)
- What's on the Web
- Hampshire / Dorset Poor Records
- Lovell's 1871, English Hr. East
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Additional Butler Information
1998 Volume 14 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Fogo Island Heritage Plaques
- Pike Family Reunion
- Further Nfld Strays - Toronto 1901 (Jill Marshall)
- The Ropewalk - Colonial Cordage Co. (Patrick Walsh)
- Robert Abner Forsey (Robert Parsons)
- School Reunions
- Newfoundland Revisited (Dorothy H. Bonsall)
- Placentia and Area Records
- Family History Collection
- 59th Nfld Heavy Regt. Royal Artillery
- Books Reviews (T.M. Punch)
- Three Arms Island Cemeteries (Barbara Pederson)
- FFHS Publications
- Visit to the Public Record Office (Don Hutchens)
- Mount Carmel B&B (Patrick Walsh)
- Some Barrett Family Information (Frederick A. Moore)
- Research Interest
- 166th Field Regt., Royal Artillery
- Nfld Deaths Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- Brake Family in Nfld & Dorset (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Wareham, BB
- NLGS Mailing List
- Cemetery Committee
- Branch 1871 Lovell's
- Nfld Strays in Toronto (Jill Marshall)
- The Nevilles of Topsail (Francis G. Snyder)
- Topsail 1871 Lovell's
- Headstones at Tilting, Fogo (Shirley Foley)
- Wm. Noel, Heart's Content (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Bay Bulls Cemeteries (Linda Williams)
- Letter to G Grandfather Gushue (Janet Cowan-Weber)
- Ole Poole Town (George MacDonald)
- More Poole (Florence MacDonald)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
1999 Volume 15 Issue 1 |
- Editors' Column
- Second Placentia Bay Cemetery Excursion (Elsa Flack)
- Nfld Strays in Toronto, 1901 Census (Jill Marshall)
- Where, When & Who Photo
- Selected Headstones in Mount Carmel St Mary's Bay Cemetery (Patrick Walsh)
- Chapels Cove 1871 Lovell's
- The Old Stone House, Ferryland (Enid O'Brien)
- The Good Times (Gerald B. Malone)
- New Brunswick Ancestor
- A Genealogical Poem (Barbara Jean Reynolds-Green)
- New Books at NLGS (Patrick Walsh)
- Bemister Family Reunion, Carbonear (Cameron Hopkins)
- Bemister Family Tree (Elizabeth Squires)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Bonavista and Trinity Bay Marriages
- Annual General Meeting Notice
- United Church Marriages at Little Bay Island (Barbara Pederson)
- Book Review (Violet Moores)
- NF Stray in Halifax (Bill Crant)
- Soiree 99, Come Home Year Celebrations
- NLGS Mailing List
- Bryants Cove Cemetery (Linda Williams)
- NFLD Strays Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- Commonwealth War Graves
- Re: Brake Family in Nfld & Dorset (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Early Arrests (Mike Power)
- Joey Smallwood (Patrick Walsh)
- Pike Family Reunion, Corner Brook
- Tilting Graveyard (Shirley Foley)
- Maurice G. Cullen (J.G. McRae)
- Myers in Chapels Cove (Patrick Walsh)
- Early Moors in Freshwater / Blackhead, CB (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Trinity East - Newell Headstone (Elsa Flack)
- Nfld Deaths Afar (Elizabeth S. Bakenhus)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
1999 Volume 15 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- British Isles Ottawa Conference
- New Books at NLGS
- The Newell Family (Frank I. W. Jones)
- NLGS 15th Anniversary Conference
- Heritage Buildings in St. John's (Dale Jarvis)
- Patrick - Variants of the Name
- Curtis Academy Reunion
- Confederation Exhibit
- Salt Fisheries Web Site
- Nfld Strays in Toronto, 1901 Census (Jill Marshall)
- Life in the Lumber Woods in the 1930's (Allan P. Clarke / Frank Clarke)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Nominal Census of 1911 Found in Attic (Cal Best)
- PANL Parish Records Acquisitions (Cal Best)
- The Winsors of Carbonear (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Ebsary Family Photo 1928
- Epitaphs from Headstones (Deanne Babstock)
- St. Patricks Church Baptisms (Dianne Jackman)
- NLGS Summer Get Together
- NLGS Financial Statement 1998
- Nfld Strays Afar (Lorraine Moores)
- Tilting Graveyard (Shirley Foley)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Re: Brake Family (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
1999 Volume 15 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- The Burseys of Lower Island Cove (Jill Marshall)
- Samuel Congdon's Obituary 1909 (Patrick Walsh)
- Greenspond Letter
- Descendants of Job Timberley and Rachel Melbourne (Dr. William M. Litchman)
- Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Photo
- Arnold's Cove, A Community History (Ken Tulk)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Thomas Leg, Return to Dorset (Bill Crant)
- Newfoundland Strays (Lorraine Moores)
- Belle Isle 1814 (Martin Boland)
- History of Bell Island
- Lovell's 1871 Directory Belle Isle and Lance Cove
- The Guest List, Newfoundland Confederate Assoc. Dinner 1949
- Carberry Connection (Deanne Thomas Peters)
- Extracts from Rev. Martin Blackmore's Diary 1845 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Morgan's Island Cemetery Inscriptions, Burgeo (Philip Tansley)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Membership Form
- NLGS Publications
1999 Volume 15 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- Branch Headstones (Patrick Walsh)
- Branch War Memorial
- McAlpines 1898 Directory Fox Hr., PB
- Renews Band 1910
- The Search for George Temple (Kathleen Benson Lopez)
- Court Records and Women on the Southern Avalon (Willeen Keough)
- Captain John Vatcher of Burgeo (Edgar I. Vatcher)
- Dates and Events from the Past
- Newfoundland Strays in the Boston States (Patricia Jack)
- Lovell's 1871 Grates Cove
- A Meeting on Cultural Heritage (David Davis)
- Newfoundland Books by Rev. Naboth Winsor
- Photos from Family History Seminar October 1999
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Photo - John William Walsh
- Descendants of George [Henry] Dicks (Ivy Benoit)
- Descendants of Henry Bowles and Bridget Lushman (Dr. William M. Litchman)
- New Bonaventure Photo
- United Church, Clarenville Deaths 1892-1962 (Sandy MacEwen)
- Brigus House
- Drowned at Sea - 1908 (Leona Chatwood and Anna M. MacDonald)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Membership Form
- NLGS Publications
2000 Volume 16 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- New Archives Announcement
- The Rooms (David Davis)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador [PANL]
- War Memorial Plaque - Paradise (Patrick Walsh)
- The Johnson Family of Lower Island Cove (Jill Marshall)
- English Hr East - 1871 Lovell's
- Early Immigration from NF to BC (Robert R. Halfyard)
- The World in 1949 (John Gushue - The Telegram)
- Selected Change Islands Headstones (Patrick Walsh)
- Lovell's 1871 Goulds
- Seeking Distant Shores (Sharon Chubbs Ransom)
- Descendants of John Clarke and Susanna Lushman (Dr. Wm. M. Litchman)
- Newfoundland's Physicians 1947
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Plantation Records
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Voters List 1889 (Kathleen Benson Lopez)
- Road Report - Broad Cove (Martin Boland)
- Buchan's Census of Brigus 1817 (Judy Foote)
- The Ratté Family Reunion (Phil Hanley)
- Newfoundland Place Names
- A Mother's Love (Harvey Hodder)
- Looking Beyond the Black Books (David Davis)
- Fisherman's Road - Victoria Village (Frank E. Clarke)
- Oration Honouring Gertrude Crosbie
- Address to Convocation (Dr. Gertrude Crosbie)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Corner Brook - A Brief History
- NLGS Membership Form
- NLGS Publications
2000 Volume 16 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- Descendants of James and Elizabeth Young (Dr. Wm. M. Litchman)
- George W. Chauncey (H.W. [Herb] Goudie)
- Florence Backstrom (L. Maynard)
- The Whiffen Legen (Carolyn Murray)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Brine Estate Letters (Deanne Peters)
- The Ginn Family (Helen Ginn)
- Finn / Kielly / Williams Family Reunion
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- James Rowe of Carbonear (John Rowe)
- The Don Morris Collection (David Davis)
- A Schoolmaster for Harbour Grace (David Davis)
- Newfoundland Studies
- Postcard Information (Robert R. Halfyard)
- Surname Origins (NLGS Mailing List)
- 1835 Voters List Hr Grace / Carbonear (Jeannette Winsor)
- Sites to See (Patrick Walsh)
- The Stowes in Harbour Grace (Blair Stacey)
- Newfoundland and The Great War Web Site (Beth Ryan)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- School Picture - Old Bonaventure (Georgina Howell)
- Ellen Stevenson Truscott Photo (Patrick Walsh)
- Mystery Photo - Selina Anne Downey (Gloris Bruce)
- Critch Births (Gerald Major)
- Newfoundland Government Records 1830's (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Membership Form
- NLGS Publications
2000 Volume 16 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- A History of the First Settlers of Western Bay (W. Edwin Penney)
- A Book Review - Devon Churches (Ryan Taylor)
- Keels Wants a Teacher (David Davis)
- Looking Beyond the Black Books (David Davis)
- Joseph Seaward (Errol D. Seaward)
- Families of Winterton (Elizabeth L. Ingham & Wallace Pinhorn)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Captain William Jackman
- Ferryland
- Conception Bay Strays in Green Bay (Jill Marshall)
- Campbell / Withycombe Photo
- Newfoundland Strays (Dave Hillier)
- Old Bonaventure School Photo Info
- A Chance Encounter with the S.S. Sharon (Robert C. Parsons)
- Harbours Masters, St. John's
- Lovell's 1871 - Lally Cove
- History of the Anglican Cathedral (Julia Mathieson)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Hutchinson's Directory 1864-1865 Cupids Head, CB
- William Joseph Collins & The Great War (Patrick Walsh)
- Heart's Content Cable Station Female Employees 1919
- Lovell's 1871 Heart's Content
- NLGS Publications
2000 Volume 16 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- Victoria: On the Road to Incorporation (Frank E. Clarke)
- The Dr. Keith Matthews Name Files (David Davis)
- Road Report Broad Cove, 1847, 1848 (Martin Boland)
- A House in St. John's, 1787 (David Davis)
- The Rooms Facilities and Services
- Busy Summer at PANL
- Elms Marriages of Bay Roberts (Vera Short Cheeseman)
- Victoria's First Town Clerk (Frank Clarke)
- NLGS Mailing List
- FFHS Publications
- Newfoundland Strays (Dave Hillier)
- Gloucester Fisherman's Monument (Patrick Walsh)
- Deaths from Pittsfield, MA (Barbara E. Verge)
- Outdated Medical Terminology
- Sealing Disaster - SS Viking (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Books from the OGS
- Lovell's 1871 - Broad Cove
- Sgt. Henry P. Gover (Patrick Walsh)
- Death on the Water Front (Patrick Walsh)
- First Newfoundland Gilwell Camp Photograph, Donovans
- St. Bonaventure's 1945 Soccer Champs
- The Camus Family (Allan T. Stride)
- Kings and Queens of England
- Descendants of Thomas Lushman and Susannah McDonald (Wm. M. Litchman)
- Census Material from Newfoundland's Grand Banks Web Site
- Gleeson and Murphy (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Selected Headstones - Holy Sepulchre (Patrick Walsh)
- Descendants of Joseph Gover of Trinity (Patrick Walsh)
- Family Trees (Fraser Clouter)
- NLGS Photos
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Belleoram Lovell's 1871
- NLGS Publications
2001 Volume 17 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- Editors' Column
- Stray's Definition
- The Governor's Office Records and Family History (David Davis)
- Airforce Photo 1941
- The Martins of Harbour Grace and the Barretts of Bishop's Cove and Spaniard's Bay (Evelyn Randall)
- PANL Research Room Staff Photo
- Descendants of Thomas Lushman and Susannah McDonald - Part 2 (Dr. Wm. M. Litchman)
- ByElection Results
- Newfoundland Strays (Dave Hillier)
- The Grenfell Mission
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Sites to See (Patrick Walsh)
- English Apprentice Books (Don Tate)
- The Story of Nonia
- John Bingley Garland (Bert Riggs)
- Placentia Roman Catholic Marriages (Barbara McGrath)
- Dorset Web Site
- The Newfoundland Ranger Force (Pat Walsh)
- Osmonds in Newfoundland (Deb Von Wagner)
- Lovell's 1871 Open Hall
- Gooby Headstone Restoration (Ella Bailey)
- Trouble in Bay Bulls (David Davis)
- Regatta Record Set 1901
- The Surrogate Court Records (David Davis)
- Re: Old Bonaventure School Photo (John F. Tulk)
- Daily News Death Notice - Amelia Skanes (Patrick Walsh)
- The Legg Family (Everett J. Dalton)
- The Hutchins Family (The Greenspond Letter)
- L.C.M.
- Red Head Cove - 1904 McAlpines
- Old Perlican Names 1833 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Vacher / Vatcher Family of Milton Abbey Dorset and Burgeo, NF (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
2001 Volume 17 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Lorraine Moores)
- NLGS Mailing List
- Editors' Column
- Descendants of James Young and Elizabeth [---], Part 2 (Dr. Wm. M. Litchman)
- In Memoriam - D.W. Power (Jill Marshall)
- John Hoskins of Old Perlican (David Davis)
- The Jesse Shaw Collection (David Davis)
- Fit to be Cloned (Clarence B. Dewling)
- The Peopling of Trouty, TB (Clarence B. Dewling)
- Ellen Carberry (Bert Riggs)
- Reverend Thomas Martin Wood (Bert Riggs)
- Ode to Newfoundland
- The Burfitt Family of Newfoundland (Frank F. Burfitt, Jr.)
- Lovell's 1871 Directory, Burnt Island
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Grimes the Eighth Premier
- Newfoundland Strays (Dave Hillier)
- Provincial PC Leader
- Genealogy - A Poem (Mary Anne De Paruw)
- Add Your Name - NLGS
- Cemetery Cataloguing Committee 2000 Report (Elsa Flack)
- NLGS Parish Records and Cemetery Headstone Database
- Research Trip to London, England
- Heritage Destinations
- Meetings
- The Death of Archibald Heath (Gloria Bruce)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
2001 Volume 17 Issue 3 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- St. John's Charity School (David Davis)
- St. Luke's Anglican Church and the Si-Morgan Family (Marilyn Hindmarch)
- Harbour Grace War Dead
- The Skanes Sisters (Ruth Archibald)
- LeGrow - Broad Cove (Jean and Larry B. Martin)
- Meaning of Planters (Barbara Pederson)
- Strangers in the Box
- Oxfordshire Family History Society
- The History of the Colonial Building
- Fact Sheet - PANL
- Butler Family Charts
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Attempted Population Reconstruction of South Shore, Conception Bay (Jill Marshall)
- Newfoundland Strays (Dave Hillier)
- Letter to the Editors (Robert Halfyard)
- This is a Cemetery
- Frederick Burnham Gill (Shelly Smith)
- Newfoundlanders in the 1901 Victoria, BC City Census (Charles & Lori Strong)
- Local Boy Becomes Toast of High Society (Glen Whiffen)
- Royal Air Force Memories (Fred Carter)
- Gallop Connection (M.P. Grant)
- The Carbonear Loyal Orange Lodge (Bert Parsons)
- Some Descendants of James Skanes (Patrick Walsh)
- Remembering War Volunteers (Bert Riggs)
- Chappels Cove 1864/5 Hutchinsons
- Book Review
- General Protestant Cemetery Selected Headstone Photos
- Pike Family of Carbonear (Gilbert Pike)
- Hutchinsons 1864/5
- Obituary: The Honourable Frederick William Russell
- Vol. 33 Parish of Foxtrap (Jill Marshall)
- Wills & Family History (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Meeting Schedule 2001/2002
- NLGS Publications
2001 Volume 17 Issue 4 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Newfoundland Homes and the People Who Lived in Them (Jean Edwards Stacey)
- 1898 McAlpines - Miller's Passage
- A Survey of Newfoundland Govt. Records (David Davis)
- Grand Jury 1932 (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundlanders Married in Massachusetts 1905 (Pat Walsh)
- Family History Centers in Newfoundland
- A Proposed Descendancy for Edward Warren of Fox Island, NF - Part 1 (Dr. William M. Litchman)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- GenTech 2002
- St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Harbour Grace, Selected Headstones (Pat Walsh)
- Letter to the Editors
- Richard George Family Tree (Richard George)
- The Walsh's of Topsail Road (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Attempted Population Reconstruction of "South Shore, Conception Bay" up to Persons Born 1845, Part 2 (Jill Marshall)
- Sites to See (Patrick Walsh)
- NLGS Schedule of Lectures
- The Hunt Family of the Bay of Islands (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- A Few Church Records from the NLGS Mailing List September 1998 (Barbara Pederson)
- World War I Memorial - St. Kevin's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Goulds, Newfoundland (Pat Walsh)
- NLGS Publications
2002 Volume 18 Issue 1 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Distress in St. John's (David Davis)
- Census Release
- Schedule of Lectures
- Random Passage Photo
- Brown, Hefford and Hillier Families of New Harbour and the Newhook Family of Dildo (David Evans)
- Newfoundland A Scenic Friendly Province (Spencer Hann)
- Measurement Equivalencies
- New Books at NLGS (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Web Sites
- Bishop Burials and Burnt Head (Kathleen Benson Lopez)
- On the Books 1888-1890 Little Bay Islands (Barbara Pederson)
- Eustace Connections (M. P. Grant)
- Volunteers Wanted
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Snippets from the Weekly Advocate (Maureen Thoms)
- A Proposed Descendancy for Edward Warren of Fox Island, NF - Part II (D. William M. Litchman)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Lovells Dir. 1871, Robinson's Head
- Persons Bapt. by Rt. Rev. James B. Kelly, Bishop of Nfld., September 27, 1869 (The Greenspond Letter)
- Walsh / Buckley Photo (Claire Walsh Brown)
- NLGS Board of Directors
- Hr. Galley Census 1921 (Bill Crant)
- 1835 Voters List, Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- The Story of Woodstock
- Attempted Population Reconstruction of "South Shore, Conception Bay" up to Persons Born 1845, Part 3 (Jill Marshall)
- NLGS Publications
2002 Volume 18 Issue 2 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Colonial Secretary's Office (David Davis)
- My Trip to St. Kyran's (Damian Leonard)
- Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 Census Results
- A Proposed Descendancy for Edward Warren of Fox Island, NF, Part III (Dr. William M. Litchman)
- Banton / Brantons of Trinity Bay (Lily Green)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Military Historian Dead
- Some Fraizes Move to America (Gordon R. Fraize)
- Book Reviews from the MUN Gazette, February 21, 2002
- Sites to See
- Horton Genealogy (Maureen Horton Taylor)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Brother Rice High School
- Angel House
- Samuel Congdon's Family Tree (Patrick Walsh)
- Dorset Migration Index Project
- 1917 Group Photo
- Origins of Shute Ancestry in Harbour Grace, Newfoundland (John and Mereda Cornick)
- 1835 Voters List, Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- NLGS Publications
2002 Volume 18 Issue 3 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Keith Matthews Name Files: A Source for Genealogy Research (Stephanie Harlick)
- Crisis in Conception Bay (David Davis)
- Federation of Family History Societies New Titles at NLGS Office
- Brother Rice High School Reunion
- She Was One of Many - The Tale of a Newfoundland Stray (Marilyn Hindmarch)
- King's Cove, Bonavista Bay Veterans of WWI and WWII Plaque
- Moravian Mission News
- Henry Garland (Richard George)
- Photo - Water Street West, St. John's
- Bishop Marriages at Burnt Head, C.B., Church of England (1840-1895) (Kathleen Benson Lopez)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Them Day / Sites to See
- The Trasks of Nova Scotia
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Sites to See
- Descendants of Jeremiah Collins (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundlanders in the 1818 Cape Breton Census (T.M. Punch)
- Royal Nfld Regiment Service Records
- List of Persons in Newfoundland and Labrador 1785 and Fall of 1786 (David Wells)
- The Elkins Surname in Newfoundland (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- New Postal Code for NF
- President's Report NLGS AGM April 23, 2002 (Patrick Walsh)
- Photo - The Rooms
- Financial Report (Don Tarrant)
- The Womens Patriotic Association (Pat Walsh)
- NLGS Publications
- Newfoundland's South Coast with the Diocesan Magazine (Dianne Peters)
- NLGS Fall Speakers
- CEI 1908 Football Photo
- 1835 Voters List, Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- Volume 33, Anglican: Parish of Foxtrap (Jill Marshall)
2002 Volume 18 Issue 4 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Letter to the Editors
- The Halfyard Family Register
- Government Announces Crown Corporation for The Rooms
- The Supreme Court of Newfoundland (David Davis)
- The White (Leblanc) Families of Bay St George, Newfoundland (Allan T. Stride)
- Lovells 1871 - Sandy Point / Port au Port
- Exhibit on Moravian Presence in Labrador
- Province Announces Funding for French Heritage 2004
- Missing Records Cause Problems for Researchers (F. Burnham Gill)
- Searching Your Twillingate Roots (F. Burnham Gill)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Brookfield, Bonavista Bay: Kean's General Store
- Canadian Genealogy Centre
- Stares Family Reunion (Carol McVea and Marge Fudge)
- The Stares / Stairs / Steers Family of Cherry Gardens, Blockmakers Hall Road, Now Called Waterford Bridge Road (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Celtic Astrology / Trees
- The Rooms Under Construction October 2002 (Patrick Walsh)
- St. John's Street Scenes - Photos
- The Murley Family of the Bay of Islands (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- The Short Life of Charles Roberts of Hare Bay (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- Conference at Exeter University
- The Provincial Archives' Advisory Committee Update September 2002 (Shelley Smith)
- Four Properties Awarded Heritage Design
- Canadian Genealogy Centre
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Challenge and Change (New Book)
- Crown Land Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Royal Commission Report
- Family History at NLGS
- Trinity School Records 1902 (Pat Walsh)
- Errata Sheet
- Lovells 1871, Bradleys Cove & Branch
- The Carters of Ferryland (Jean Carter Stirling)
- The Origin and Growth of the Huxter Family Springdale (Bernie Huxter)
- NLGS Speakers
- Come From Away (Marilyn Hindmarch)
- 1835 Voters List, Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- Renewal Form
2003 Volume 19 Issue 1 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- In Memoriam
- Corrections
- List of Disbursements for the District of St. John's 1822-1823 (David Davis)
- Book Review - Newfoundland at the Cross Roads
- Photo - House in Cupids
- Auntie Crae and Fishook Neyle
- 1906 Census Release
- Those Carbonear Days (Donald L. Signer)
- Archives Off Site Vault
- Battle Harbour Historic Trust
- Concerning One John Snow (Jonathan Searle)
- A Prayer for Genealogists
- How to Obtain Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, Newfoundland & Labrador
- PANL Announcement
- Book Launch - Bishop Fleming
- Tilting Families Book
- Garland / Price Family Tree (Richard George)
- Student Photo - Holy Sepulchre
- Store Ledgers from Victoria, Carbonear (Walter G. Little)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Aiden Maloney Honoured
- Cultural Policy Announced
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Book Review - Labrador Through Moravian Eyes 250 Years of Art, Photographs and Records (Hans Rollmann)
- Book Reprint - So Longe As There Comes Noe Women
- M. Henry Garland (Richard George)
- Overseas Forestry Unit 1939-1946
- Early Moors Family, Adams Cove, Blackhead, Mulleys Cove, Northern Bay (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Roman Catholic / Methodist Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Ann's Cove, PB, Hutchinson's 1864-1865
- Florizel Project
- 1835 Carbonear Voter's List (Jeannette Winsor)
2003 Volume 19 Issue 2 |
- President's Report / Editors' Column
- Magistrates Court (David Davis)
- 1942 Miscellaneous, Deaths
- The Benevolent Irish Society
- Provincial Vital Statistics Offices
- Adoption Act
- A Branch of the Oke Tree (Anita Oke)
- 1946 Miscellaneous Obituaries
- Serving Overseas (Pat Walsh)
- The Opening of the Goulds By Pass Road
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Mary - My Newfoundland Stray (Sharon Callaghan)
- Cover to Cover, Senator Bradley's Book at Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association Branch Presidents 1966-67 (Pat Walsh)
- Priests Anniversaries
- Family History Files at PANL
- Descendants of John Bailey (David Vatcher)
- The Family of Stephen Russell (Ray Leaman)
- The 2004 Society
- St. Lukes Anglican Church, Winterton (Ralph H. Barrett)
- North Head, Bay Bulls Lighthouse
- Early Photography (Peter W. Johnson)
- Madore Family of Bay St. George, NL (Allan T. Stride)
- Oxfordshire Family History Society
- NLGS Topics and Speakers 1989-2003
- Telephone Books Donated by PANL
- Scilly Cove [Winterton], Lovell's 1871 Directory
- Stephenville (Pat Walsh)
- Elliston Board of Education 1892-1926 and Pew Holders 1869 (Mildred & Naboth Winsor)
- 1835 Harbour Grace Voter's List (Jeannette Winsor)
2003 Volume 19 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- In Memorium
- Brunette Petition May 1930 (David Davis)
- Lovell's 1871 Crocker's Cove
- My Clarke Ancestors in Newfoundland (John H. Clarke)
- Holy Rosary Cemetery, Petite Forte (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- NLGS Lectures Fall 2003 Spring 2004
- Trinity Historical Society
- Roman Catholic / Methodist Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Petite Forte Headstones (Patrick Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Indexing of The Newfoundland Ancestor
- Petty Harbour Fishing Rooms at Riverhead (Ray Leaman)
- Newfoundland Wills at the PRO (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Petite Forte Church Plaques (Patrick Walsh)
- Misc. Deaths for 1941 (Patrick Walsh)
- Newhook and White, Boatbuilders (Robert C. Newhook)
- North River School Photos c.1921 (Elaine Mullaly)
- Journey of Discovery (Robert Parsons)
- Placentia Lovell's Directory 1871
- Southcott Awards 2003
- NLGS Financial Statement
- 1835 Harbour Grace Voter's List (Jeannette Winsor)
- WWII Royal Navy Photo
- Publications
2003 Volume 19 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- In Memoriam
- Harbour Grace Court Records (David Davis)
- Rooms Nearing Completion - R.C. Archives Prepares for Increased Numbers (L. Dohey)
- Sheridan Family History (Muriel Donnelly)
- The Newfoundland Historic Trust Calls For 2004 Southcott Awards Nominations
- The Duffney (Dauphinee) Family of Bay St. George, Newfoundland (Allan T. Stride)
- Dr. W. Gordon Handcock Designated Professor Emeritus October 17, 2003 (MUN Gazette)
- Petite Forte Remembers Veterans
- 1911 St. John's Industries
- Serving Overseas (Patrick Walsh)
- Loss of the Schooner Rose (Joyce Kelly Butler)
- New Publication (Rosemary Wenzerul)
- Letter Home 1915 (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- St. John's Taxi Cabs 1953 (Pat Walsh)
- Archival Collection Captures the Essence of the Creator of Uncle Mose (MUN Gazette)
- Why Isn't Dora Russell Better Known? (MUN Gazette)
- Buffets Errors & Omissions (Clifford E. Buffett)
- Will of Roger Butt of Crocker's Cove (Mary Ann Ankiewicz)
- PRO Wills, London England (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes
- The Rooms Board of Directors
- Remember When
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Congratulations
- General School of Nursing Photo
- Copyright Issues
- A BC Marriage Stray (Mrs Pat Bayliss)
- Fagan Book in Society Office (William T. Fagan)
- Archives Canada
- James J. O'Mara Pharmacy Museum - A Heritage Drugstone c.1895
- Resources at CNS, MUN
- Results of the Genealogical Tourism Survey (Vanessa George)
- The S.S. Kyle, Alphabet Fleet
- Misc Dicks Family Information (Leslie A. Winsor)
- A Family Tree Poem
- 1835 Harbour Grace Voter's List (Jeannette Winsor)
- Kodak Plans to Discontinue Slide Projectors in 2004
- New Cook Book
- Central Fire Hall
- General Hospital School of Nursing
- 2004 Renewal Form
- Publications
2004 Volume 20 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Petition from Codroy (David Davis)
- Dominion Wabana Ore Retirements 1955
- Clan Galbraith Gathering 2004
- Life at the Front (Allan P. Clarke)
- Photos at the Seal Hunt
- The King / Roy / Webb Families of Bay St. George (Allan T. Stride)
- Ecclesiastical District, St. John's
- Sites to See (Patrick Walsh)
- Strays Definition
- Provincial Archives Announcements
- Serving Overseas (Patrick Walsh)
- British Columbia Strays
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- United States Heroes (John F. O'Mara)
- New Brunswick Stray in Gunridge, Bay Bulls (Gladys Benson)
- Chislett Genealogy, Islington, TB (Eldred Chislett)
- The Georges of Hearts Content & Random Island, TB (Richard George)
- 2004 Membership Renewal Form
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (David Hillier)
- Newfoundlanders in South Africa War Service Records (Dennis W. Domoney)
- Publications
2004 Volume 20 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- The Rooms News Release
- Editors' Column
- The West End of St. John's (Enid O'Brien)
- The Other Courts of Newfoundland (David Davis)
- In Memoriam - Newfoundland Obituaries (Pat Walsh)
- PANL Hours
- The Spoken Word
- Connecting Past and Present
- NLGS Lectures (David Davis)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Lieut Owen William Steel - Book Review
- Lives and Landscapes - Book Review
- Amalgamation of Catalina, Port Union, Melrose
- Trinity Marriages (John F. O'Mara)
- Nfld Stray in Gallipolli (John F. O'Mara)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- 1894 The Daily News
- Serving Overseas (Pat Walsh)
- Historic Sword (Cyril Byrne)
- Dorset Migration Index
- Cricket in St. John's (Herb Goudie)
- Denbury, Devon / Aquafort Nfld. Winsor Family (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Vital Statistics Fees
- The Movelle's of Merasheen (John F. O'Mara)
- Michael Richards (Richard George)
- The Chafes of Petty Harbour (Ray Leaman)
- More Clarke Ancestors (John H. Clarke)
- The George / Price Family Tree (Richard George)
- Maritime History Archive New CD
- The Newfoundland Ancestor Report 2003
- NLGS Finance Report 2003
- Meech Family of Conception Bay (Jill Marshall)
- Royal Gazette (John F. O'Mara)
- Recent Additions to the NLGS Family History Collection
- For Maids Who Brew & Bake
2004 Volume 20 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- William Taverner in 1714 (David Davis)
- Pike Surname DNA Project (David Pike)
- Historical Notes on the Basilica Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John's, Newfoundland
- Basilica Cathedral Museum
- NLGS Schedule of Lectures
- Southcott Awards 2004
- Aucoin, Western Newfoundland (John O'Mara)
- Dorset Names
- St. Bride's RC Cemetery, St. Bride's, Placentia Bay
- H.M.S. Calypso
- The Hart Family of Trinity Bay (Richard George)
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Tuberculosis Project
- Keels
- 500 Years of French Presence in Newfoundland
- 1882 Marriages January-April, from the R.C. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Pat Walsh)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- A.C. Randall Donations
- Ontario Web Sites
- An Irish Man from County Kildare (Raymond Petten)
- Book Review - A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century
- The Stares Family & Blockmakers Hall (Leslie A. Winsor)
- PANL Hours
- List of Unemployed Committee Members, St. John's (Michael Power)
- Polk's St. John's City Directory Advertisers 1960-1961 (Pat Walsh)
- The English Origins of the Coffins of King's Cove (Dorothy H. Bonsall)
- Mystery Photo
- Newfoundland Strays in British Columbia
- Keels, BB 1871 Lovells
- Bay of Islands Crew Set Sail for England (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- 1835 Voters List, Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- Publications
2004 Volume 20 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- NLGS Award of Merit 2004 10 28
- Colonial Secretary's Department Special Files (David Davis)
- Labrador Wills On Line (Leslie A. Winsor)
- NLGS Lectures (David Davis)
- NLGS Schedule of Lectures
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Carbonear Poem
- Journals of Robert Carter (Jean Carter Stirling)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Research Interests (Leslie A. Windsor)
- The Pitcher Family of Old Bonaventure (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Dying Hard - A Book Review
- A Couple of Nature's Jewels (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- Battle of Foxtrap
- 90 Year Old Retired Teachers
- Researching with Gert Crosbie (Lynn Fogwill)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- O'Dwyer / Dwyer Rally
- Mills - Nipper Harbour
- St. John's Athletes of the Year
- Burin Marriages
- Heart's Content Diocesan Synod Contributions (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Bay Bulls Old RC Cemetery (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Poole Dorset Records
- Kathryn Mews (Judith W. Hughes)
- Tour to Ireland
- Newfoundlanders in Calgary Police Service
- Connecting Past and Present - A Review (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Pierce Parsons
- Lovells 1871 Directory Random Sound
- 1841 Trinity District Voter's List (Leslie A. Winsor)
- The Out Harbour Planter
- 1835 Voters List Carbonear District (Jeannette Winsor)
- 1882 Marriages May to August, From the R.C. Cathedral (Pat Walsh)
- Membership Renewal Form
- Publications
2005 Volume 21 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Deserters 1812-1813 (David Davis)
- David Kirke Seal
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Dr. Fabian A. O'Dea Obituary
- Irish Naming Patterns
- Researching Family History in Conception Bay South Presentation (Lorraine Moores)
- Rev. Walter R. Smith Articles 1890-1919 (Douglas J. Squires)
- Portugal Cove Subscribers to Diocesan Mission Fund 1915 (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Murphy's Connection to Wexford, Portugal Cove and Australia (Roger Murphy)
- The Year of the Veteran
- Excerpts from John Hammond
- The Jennings of Beach Cove, Portugal Cove (Shirley and Garland Jennings)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Ireland Newfoundland Connection (Charles F. Cavanaugh)
- Henry Gover from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Site
- Research Interest (Leslie A. Winsor)
- New PANL Hours
- O'Neill Family Photo (Paul O'Neill)
- 1841 District of Trinity Voters List (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Statistics 1822 Herring Neck (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Wills at the PRO (Bill Goulding)
- Lighthouse Appointment 1902
- Grand Falls - Windsor
- Motion for AGM
- The S.S. Kyle
- David White, Trinity Obituary
- Meet the Ancestors at Home
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Boston Pilot Notices
- Remembering Newfoundland's Tsunami
- Membership Drive
- Captain R. H. Tobin 1895
- Fish into Wine and From the Voices of Nurses Book Review
- Our New Office Location
- Come Home Year / Reunions
- A Labrador Poem
- Terrible Tragedy at Magic Cove
- Access to Information
- Newfoundland Government Records (Leslie A. Winsor)
- Publications
2005 Volume 21 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Deserters 1813-1814 (David Davis)
- Bay St. George Genealogical Society (Charles Cameron)
- Bay St. George Genealogical Society CDs (Donald Tarrant)
- Birthdays & Anniversaries
- St. Jones Without (Lester C. Green)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Rooms
- Remember Our Veterans
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Serendipity in Genealogy (Joe Petrie)
- Electors, 1955, Haggerty Street, St. John's Centre (Pat Walsh)
- Edith Manuel
- The Story of Grand Falls-Windsor
- Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- Early Map Collection
- Castle Hill's Place in History
- The Irish Surname Question
- They Lived by the Sea (L. Cameron Hopkins)
- Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (Rosemary Wenzerul)
- Publishing Web Pages
- One-Place Studies
- The End of the Line
- The Fighting Newfoundlander (Jean Stirling)
- Ferryland History (Ray Leamon)
- Boston Pilot
- The Railway in our Daily Lives
- A Folk Tradition (Pauline Greenhill)
- Brigus War Memorial
2005 Volume 21 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Deserters 1812-1815
- Bay St. George Genealogical Soc.
- Birthday Greetings
- Early Settlers Northern Bay
- Lest We Forget
- Anglican Parish Trinity Bay
- FHSNL Lecture Notes
- In Memoriam
- Court House Plaques
- Royal Newfoundland Regiment
- Research Interest
- NL Strays - Deaths Afar
- St. David's Church Archives
- The Battcock Family
- Lawrence Cheeseman
- Early Names at Greenspond BB
- Names and Notes
- Ellis Green Honored
- Joe Noseworthy M.P.
- New Books
- Prof. Makes For New Discovery
- Three Cheers for the Railway
- Cupids Museum
- Hutchison Scholarship
- Newspaper Ads 1927
- Tilting Fogo Island
- Fishermans Hall to Dance Bar
- People at Twillingate in 1874
- Cost of a New Church Bell
- FHSNL Subscription Form 2006
2005 Volume 21 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- CO1: Very Early Records (David Davis)
- Separating Your E-mail (Howard Grisso)
- Over the Sea to Skye (John Munro)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- The Battcock Family, Part 2 (John Paul Bradford)
- Marriage Strays in Massachusetts (Pat Walsh)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Government Appointments 1912 (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Fall 2005 Lecture Notes (David Davis)
- FHSNL Lecture Series 2005-2006
- The S.S. Caribou (Simon Neufeld)
- Cathedral War Dead (Pat Walsh)
- Parish of Trinity Index 1900s (Clarence Dewling)
- Historic Port Union
- New E-mail for ANLA
- The Newfoundland Railway and the Wars (Simon Neufeld)
- Vivian DNA Project (Cec Vivian)
- Four Centuries and the City
- WWI Veteran Dies at 106
- Early Irish Census Data (Fiona Gartland)
- Ecclesiastical History of NL, Vol 2
- Weavers of the Tapestry (Kathrine E. Bellamy)
- Preserving Historic Cemeteries in NL (Lara Maynard)
- Federal Government in Newfoundland 1950s (Herb Goudie)
- Renewal Form
2006 Volume 22 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Jury Wars, 1841, Part I (David Davis)
- William Bullock: Sailor Priest (Francis (Frank) I. W. Jones)
- Research Your Family in Newfoundland and Labrador (Don Tarrant)
- FHSNL Lecture Notes (David Davis)
- NF Engagements, Marriages, Deaths 1857-2003 (John F. O'Mara)
- Where Do Our Members Reside? (John Fitzgerald)
- The Surname Rowe in Newfoundland (John Rowe)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Dave Hillier)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
- A War Story My (Gordon Fraize)
- Renews (Michael P. Murphy)
- The Canadian Genealogy Centre
- Jane Garland Hickson and William Garland Senior (Richard George and Jane Garland Hickson)
- Photo Early 1960s Engineering / Technical Staff (Herb Goudie)
- Membership Form
2006 Volume 22 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Report
- Frances Peddle 100 Years Old
- Jury Wars, Part II (David Davis)
- Instant Dates Explained (Pat Walsh)
- NF Engagements, Marriages, Deaths 1857-2003, Part II (John F. O'Mara)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Kelly Family in Newfoundland (Joyce Kelley Butler)
- NF Ancestor 2005 Report (Patrick Walsh and Frederick Smith)
- Trinity Historical Society
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- The Rooms Archives (Cal Best)
- Women in Sport News Release
- Memorial University (Pat Walsh)
- FHSNL President's Report 2005 AGM (Donald Tarrant)
- Editor Hailed (CBC)
2006 Volume 22 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- Jury Wars, Part III (David Davis)
- Pack's Pond - Victoria (Frank E. Clarke)
- Jersey Island Entrepreneurs (John W. Hammond)
- Bridget Toucher McCarthy (Brian McCarthy)
- Chalker & Related LeDrew Family Reunion (Tom Martin)
- Lecture Series 2006-2007 (David Davis)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Bay St. George Genealogical Society - An Update (Charles Cameron)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Jack Fowlow (Francis I. W. Jones)
- Vessel Salvage Rules (Brendan E. Doyle)
- All the Write Stuff, Profs Win Prestigious Award (Jeff Green)
- Grates Cove (Decks Awash)
- Pre-Confederation Census Data Set to Become a Research Goldmine (Leslie Vryenhoek)
- Advancing Health Care with Historical Records (Meaghan Whelan)
- Minister Announces Funding for Special Celebrations in Historic Communities
- St. Bonaventure's College (Pat Walsh)
- 1946 St. Bon's First Holy Communion Class (Pat Walsh)
- Information from East Coast Roots
- Carlow Roll Call (Jim Roache)
2006 Volume 22 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Column
- West Coast Survey, 1838 (David Davis)
- Captain George A. Corbin (Linda J. Collings Karn)
- FHSNL Speakers 2006-07
- Notre Dame Bay Families at Bell Island in the 1921 Census (Jill Marshall)
- Medical Practitioners Who Served Grates Cove (John F. O'Mara)
- A Treasure of Traditional and Contemporary Lore (Hannah R. Mahoney)
- Research Interests (Pat Walsh)
- Fillatre Funeral Homes
- FHSNL Lecture Reports - Fall 2006
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundlanders in the Boer War (David Wells)
- Deaths from the Daily News 1959 (Pat Walsh)
- The Channel Islands in Conception Bay (David Davis)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Sites to See (Pat Walsh)
2007 Volume 23 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- Bay Roberts Affray Petition (David Davis)
- The Blackmore Family of Newfoundland (John W. Hammond)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Land Area Units in Old Deeds (Frederick R. Smith)
- Who is 16302G 16304C? (David Pike)
- Richard Richards (Bruce Edwards)
- Richard Richards 1786-1840 (Bruce Edwards)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Trinity Historical Society
- Need of Assistance
- FHSNL 2006-2007 Lectures
- Decks Awash (Pat Walsh)
- On Board HMS Newfoundland Photo
2007 Volume 23 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Don Tarrant)
- Editor's Column
- Harbour Grace Affray Petition (David Davis)
- The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (John F. O'Mara)
- Bell Island Notes from the Newspaper History of Bell Island (Pat Walsh)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- The Long 'S' (Frederick R. Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Families of La Scie: A Picture Based Upon the 1921 Census (Jill Marshall)
- Changes in Place Names in Newfoundland (Leslie A. Winsor)
- FHSNL President's Report 2006 AGM (Don Tarrant)
- Notes for Authors (Frederick R. Smith)
2007 Volume 23 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- Burin Petition, 1844, Part 1 (David Davis)
- The English Family of Edith Oke of Newfoundland (John Templeton)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- House Families of Twilingate (Jill Marshall)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Descendants of Sarah Jordan of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland and Thomas Mackey of Ireland, First Four Generations (Joe Petrie)
2007 Volume 23 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- Burin Petition, 1884, Part II (David Davis)
- Maiden Names of Early Women of Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland (Jill Marshall)
- The Godfrey Family of Somerset and St. Barbe North (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- Newfoundlanders in the Royal Air Force (Lynn Fogwill)
- Descendants of Sarah Jordan of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland and Thomas Mackey of Ireland, First Four Generations, Part II (Joe Petrie)
- Surname Distribution Mapping: A Strategy in Family History Research (W. Gordon Handcock)
2008 Volume 24 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- Burin Petition, 1844, Part III (David Davis)
- Kings Point, Green Bay - Places of Birth (Jill Marshall)
- The Life and Death of George Winsor (1808-1840) (Linda Elkins-Schmitt and Leslie A. Winsor)
- Paul Evans Barrett, 1957-2007
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Correction to "Newfoundlanders in the Royal Air Force," Vol 23,4 (Lynn Fogwill)
- The Photo Controversy
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
2008 Volume 24 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- North Shore Relief, 1867 (David Davis)
- Remembering Francis Critch (Linda Elkins-Schmitt)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Puddester, Puddister (Wayne D. Puddester)
- The Portugal Cove De Hamon-Hamon-Hammond Family (John W. Hammond)
- Along the Southern Shore, The Early Beginnings of Route 10 (Kevin Reddigan)
- FHSNL AGM Reports
2008 Volume 24 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Notes
- Allan and John Goodridge, Part 1 (David Davis)
- A Little Newfoundland DNA (Martin Potter)
- Notes from the Martime History Archive
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- The "Daughters of Eve" in Newfoundland (Dr. Steven M. Carr et al.)
- The Harding Family (Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond)
- Research Interest
- The Newell (Noel) Family (Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond)
- The Noftall Family (Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond)
- Belinda Goes to Newfoundland (Belinda (Gushue) Miller)
- Along the Southern Shore, The Early Beginnings of Route 10 (Part 2) (Kevin Reddigan)
2008 Volume 24 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Notes
- Allan and Joe Goodridge (David Davis)
- Newfoundlanders on HMS Hood (D. R. Tarrant)
- Five Years (1864-1869) of the Voyages of the Beagle (Jill Marshall)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Along the Southern Shore - The Early Beginnings (Part 3) (Kevin Reddigan)
- Research Queries (Pat Walsh)
- A Family Fable about the Bergs of Newfoundland (Wayne Ralph)
- Little Bay Methodist Church Burial Register (1883-1891) (Jill Marshall)
- Book Review: To Serve and Protect, The Newfoundland Constabulary on the Home Front (Frederick R. Smith)
- Memorium (Pat Walsh)
- In Search of Bones and Stones - Photos and Information (Stephen Sharpe)
- Letter from Senator Fred Rowe (John Rowe)
2009 Volume 25 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Notes
- Slade Arrivals / Departures 1817 to 1831, Part I (David Davis)
- Vivian Surname DNA Project (Cec Vivian)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Places of Birth of Adult Female and Male Heads of Household, Servants and Boarders of Springdale, Newfoundland in the 1921 Census (Jill Marshall)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Rice Family (John W. Hammond)
- Newfoundland Entertainment Connections (Art Rockwood)
- Transcription of Lease of Fishing Room, St John's (Betty Snow)
2009 Volume 25 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Slade Arrivals and Departures II (David Davis)
- Fogo Island (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Henry Bertram Mayo
- Research Interests
- Israel and Susannah Taylor (Maralen T. O'Neil)
- The Rice Family (Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Town of Placentia Cultural Information Gathering Project (Anita O'Keefe)
- Summerford-Moretons Hr, United Church Burials 1874-1891 (Jill Marshall)
2009 Volume 25 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Column
- The Carbonear Petition: Trade with America (David Davis)
- Research Interests
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- The O'Hanlon - Hanlon Family of Portugal Cove (Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond)
- Descendants of Patrick Tobin and Judith Keefe (Joseph F. Petrie)
- Burin Roman Catholic Parish Register / Newfoundland Mi'kmaw (Ktaqmkukewaw) Baptisms (Partial-Selected) (1836-1859) (Dwayne Pike)
- NL Mi'kmaw Hunters of Bay Despoir Region Listed in Newman Little Bay Ledgers (1790-1791) (Dwayne Pike)
2009 Volume 25 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Notes
- Fish for Curtains, Part 1 (David Davis)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Connections, 25th Anniversary Symposium
- St. Bernard's RC Parish Register Mi'kmaw Baptisms
- Extracting Ore (Archdeacon Buckle)
- Population Therapeutics Research Group (Terry Quinlan)
- FHSNL 2009 Annual Reports
2010 Volume 26 Issue 1 |
- President's Report and Editor's Column
- Fish for Curtains, Part 2 (David Davis)
- John Lawrence of Fontmell Magna, Dorset, and his Family in Bonavista and St. John's, Newfoundland (Ian Lawrence)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays (Georgina Hussey)
- Finding Family Ties (Susan Squires)
- Horton's Plantation (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Book Review: Erin's Sons (Elsa Flack)
- Case for Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Warren of Fox Island (William M. Litchman and James Cornish)
- Ledger - Bonne Bay (1839-1844) (Dwayne Pike)
- Good Bye Topsail Road, Hello 66 Kenmount Road (Elsa Flack)
- My Domalain Ancestors (John Barrett)
- Newfoundland Mi'kmaw Entries in the King's Cove RC Parish Records (Dwayne Pike)
2010 Volume 26 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Apprenticeship and Protection (David Davis)
- Thank You
- Newfoundland Strays (Georgina Hussey)
- New Developments Regarding Genealogical DNA Testing (David Pike)
- Bounty on Destruction of Wolves (Dwayne Pike)
- Deer Lake UC Marriages 1925-1946 (Jill Marshall)
- Mi'kmaq in Whitbourne Roman Catholic Parish Registers (1891-1921) (Dwayne Pike)
- Conception Bay Strays in Notre Dame Bay (Jill Marshall)
2010 Volume 26 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- More Police for Harbour Grace (David Davis)
- Reverend Joseph James Curling (1844-1905) of Bay of Islands (John Templeman)
- A School List from Fortune, 1867-1869 (Philip E. L. Smith)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Obituary: George Frederick Snelgrove
- Obituary: Rev. Dr. John W. Hammond
- Mapping the Family Tree (Catherine Street)
- A Commentary on an Interview between Santu (Paul) & Frank G. Speck (Dwayne Pike)
- Newfoundland Observations (Treleven Haysom)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- NL Mi'kmaw Hunters of Bay Despoir Region in Newman Little Bay Ledgers (1790-1791) (Dwayne Pike)
2010 Volume 26 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Heritage Canada in Newfoundland 2010 (David Davis)
- West Coast Marriages (Jill Marshall)
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Georgina Hussey)
- Revealing My Newfoundland Stray (Sharon Callaghan)
- Genealogy Services at Library and Archives Canada
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Harbour Grace Roman Catholic Parish Records (Dwayne Pike)
2011 Volume 27 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- The Indenture of 1787 (David Davis)
- The Reverend George Seymour Chamberlain (1839-1929) (John Templeton)
- Did a Viking Take a Beothuk Wife? (John Fitzgerald)
- Cases Heard in the Harbour Grace Surrogate Court (David Pike)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Jeannot Pekitualuet - Ancient Mi'kmaw Chief & War Captain of Cape Breton (1705-1808): A Biographical Sketch (Dwayne Pike)
- Research Interest (Pat Walsh)
- Soldier of Fortune (Philip E. L. Smith)
- Duncan-Fentin Gravestone (Bob Duncan)
- Genealogy Week - July 10-15 Ottawa/Gatineau
- Surrogate Court Order (Dwayne Pike)
- Family History Society Speakers
- The Long's Hill Cemetery, St. John's 1811-1856 (David Wells)
2011 Volume 27 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Note
- The Fishery Court in 1791, Harbour Grace (David Davis)
- A Look at the Ancestry of Joseph R. Smallwood (David A. Pike)
- The Belleville ON (& Ohio) Tilleys: A Branch of the Kelligrews Tilley Family (Jill Marshall)
- Administrative Land Divisions - Districts of Newfoundland and Labrador (Kevin Reddigan)
- News from across Newfoundland
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Eaton's Beauty Doll - Photos (Pauline Presland)
- Recent Speakers
- Following Caroline Virginia Wells & Her Sister Jane Wells of Three Arms, Notre Dame Bay NL, Grand-Daughters of William Strong of Twillingate (Jill Marshall)
- Descendants of William Hogan and Elizabeth Hogan - First Five Generations, Part 1 (Joseph F. Petrie)
- Wolves Bounty (Dwayne Pike)
2011 Volume 27 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Notes
- Roman Catholic Burial Rights, St. John's, 1810-1812 (David Davis)
- Searching for my Irish Ancestry (Michael Collins)
- In Memoriam
- Obituary: Ellen French
- Update on the Farr Family of Tizzards Harbour/Carters Cove (Jill Marshall)
- More Information on FamilySearch.org and Other Free Databases (Joe Petrie)
- Descendants of William Hogan and Elizabeth Hogan, First Five Generations, Part 2 (Joseph F. Petrie)
- Genealogy Research by Paul Evans Barrett (Linda (McDermaid) Barrett)
2011 Volume 27 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Court of Oyer and Terminer (David Davis)
- Waterford County Ireland Death Registers from 1864 to 1901 (Joe Petrie)
- Genealogy Research by Paul Evans Barrett (Linda (McDermaid) Barrett)
- Burials 1879-1885 - Anglican Cathedral of St Johns the Baptist: St Johns NL (Jill Marshall)
- Accessions Received by the Society Beginning January 27, 2011 (David Davis)
- Hidden Treasure of Carbonear Island (Philip Pike)
- Descendants of William Hogan and Elizabeth Hogan - First Five Generations, Part 3 (Joseph F. Petrie)
- The Building and Builders of the St. Philip's 1894 Heritage Church (Stephen Sharpe and William Lamswood)
2012 Volume 28 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Note
- Rev. Edward Violet on the Native Indians and Other Matters (David Davis)
- Letter to the Editor
- Newfoundland Strays, Deaths Afar (Pat Wells)
- In Memorium (Pat Walsh)
- Yetman (Rosalind Stokes)
- St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church Burials 1879-1900 (Jill Marshall)
- The "Pike" Chronometer (Philip Pike)
- James Dempsey of Boutitou (Ethel Dempsey and Raymond Dempsey)
- How to Make Your Comput Software Go Away and Sulk (Fred Smith)
- Newfoundland Mi'kmaw (Ktaqmkukewaw) Civil Registration Vital Statistics Return of Deaths (1890-1941) (Partial-Selected) (Dwayne Pike)
2012 Volume 28 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Note
- Labrador Court 1827 (David Davis)
- Jump Start Your Genealogy Research Using Free Web Sites (Joe Petrie)
- St Mary the Virgin Anglican Church Burials 1879-1920 (Box 2) Part 2 (Jill Marshall)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Job Honeyburn, Are You the Missing Link (William Pritchett)
- Queries
- Acquisitions Received by the Society Beginning October 6, 2011 (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- List of People Vaccinated on the Coast of Labrador 1873 (Jill Marshall)
- FHSNL AGM 2012 Papers
2012 Volume 28 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Captain Cook and Newfoundland, 1760s (David Davis)
- St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church Burials, Part 3 (Jill Marshall)
- Introduction to GOONS
- What Happened to the 1866 Petition Against Confederation? (Lynn Fogwill)
- Recent FHSNL Acquisitions (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Research Interests
- Descendants of John Cummings and Johannah Maher of Newfoundland and his Second Wife Sarah "Sadie" Nicholson of Cape Breton (Joseph F. Petrie)
2012 Volume 28 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Note
- George B. Cluett (David Davis)
- Letter to the Editor
- Recent FHSNL Acquisitions
- More Free Genealogical Web Sites (Joe Petrie)
- More Then One Fogwill (Lynn Fogwill)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Congregational Church (Dissenting Church of Christ) (Jill Marshall)
2013 Volume 29 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editor's Note
- Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 1795 (David Davis)
- Congregational Church (Dissenting Church of Christ), St. John's NL (Jill Marshall)
- Even More Free Genealogical Web Sites - Prince Edward Island (Joe Petrie)
- The Power Clan Gathering 2013
- Family Ties (Tracy Reid)
- Why Did We Need Surnames? (Barry Rideout)
- Recent FHSNL Acquisitions (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Coaker's "A Review of Herring Neck, 1780-1916" (Melvin Baker)
2013 Volume 29 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Labrador Court, No. 6 (David Davis)
- Newfoundland Lych Gates (Dale Jarvis)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- A Review of Family Search Community Trees, A Treasure Trove for FHSNL Genealogy Researchers (Joe Petrie)
- Recent Acquisitions at the Scotia Bank Family History Centre at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
- Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador Recent Acquisitions (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- A List of People Vaccinated on the Coast of Newfoundland & Labrador 1873 (Jill Marshall)
- Harbour Grace Methodist Marriages 1820-1891 (David Wells)
- Congregational Church (Dissenting Church of Christ), St Johns NL (Jill Marshall)
2013 Volume 29 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Early Court Legislation in Newfoundland (David Davis)
- How Do I Find People and Missing Vital Information (Joe Petrie)
- Remembering Wilf Doyle (Brenda Doyle Cornick)
- Doyle/Gushue Family History/Genealogy Margaret Cole Marshall
- News of the Society
- The Short and Merry Life of Richard Raftus (1845-1879) (Gerald Barnable)
- Many More Free Genealogy Web Sites New Brunswick (Joe Petrie)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- In Memoriam (Patrick Walsh)
- Newfoundland Convicts Sent to Australia (Larry Dohey)
- Annual General Meeting Report
2013 Volume 29 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Log of the FPU: President's Coaker Story of his Trip to the North in 1914 (Melvin Baker)
- Surrogates Court in Operation (David Davis)
- Captain William John Yetman, Jr. (1860-1919) (Rosalind Stokes)
- Did Labrador have the First Christmas Tree in North America? Archival Moment (Larry Dohey)
- News of the Society Acquisitions for the FHSNL (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- James Angel, Founder of the United Nail and Foundry Limited (Judith Von Sicard)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Captain Solomon Jacobs - King of the Mackerel Killers (Milt Anstey)
- Book Review: Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador (Cindy Tedstone)
2014 Volume 30 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Interview with the First President on the 30th Anniversary of the FHSNL
- Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society 1984 Newsletter
- "From Mr. Coaker's Diary on Burin Tour" (Melvin Baker)
- Labrador Court 1829 (David Davis)
- Acquisitions of the FHSNL (Rosalind Stokes)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Remarkable Women of the Isles (David J. Clarke)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Members Research Inquiries
2014 Volume 30 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- West Coast History (David Davis)
- New of the Society
- Acquisitions of the FHSNL (Rosalind Stokes)
- The Harold (Rosalind Stokes)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Fisheries Report of 1873 (Journal of House of Assembly, 1874)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Origins of the Ludlow Family in Newfoundland (Paul Ludlow)
- Memories of the Great War
- Understanding Family Relationships
2014 Volume 30 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Corporal Leo Joe Fitzpatrick (Patricia Fitzpatrick)
- Williams Collins Volunteers (Patrick Walsh)
- World War I Related Acquisitions
- News of the Society
- Repatriated Newfoundlands (Melvin Baker)
- Love Story During WWI (Brenda Hoddinott)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Members Research
- President Coaker's Itinerary (Melvin Baker)
2014 Volume 30 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Community Nurse (Nurse J. Rogers)
- NL Strays/Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- Battle Fields of France and Flanders (Hon. W.F. Coaker, Prefatory note by Melvin Baker)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Danger Tree (Pat Walsh)
- Surrogate Court, Conception Bay, Part 2 (David Davis)
- Members Research
2015 Volume 31 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Bay Bulls History (David Davis)
- NL Strays/Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- Ferryland Book Launch (Christopher Curran)
- Janes Family (Karl Janes)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- My Teaching Years (Signe Mills Green)
- The President's Diary (Prefatory note by Melvin Baker)
- Members Research
2015 Volume 31 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Dr. Grenfell's Log: 1913 (David Davis)
- Descendants of Sarah Kinsbury (Karl Janes)
- As the Twig Bent (Signe Mills Green)
- Linda Elkins and the Carbonear Winsor Connection (Les Winsor)
- Nfld Strays (Pat Walsh)
- Members Research
- Early Welsh Names in Nfld (Tor Fosnaes and Ryan Lewis)
2015 Volume 31 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Newfoundland Coastal Tour: 1883 (David Davis)
- NL Strays / Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- John Freeland Templeton - Twillingate Returning Officer (John Freeland Templeton)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Very Unusual Will of John Hudson (Susan Reid)
- Growing Up in Thoroughfare (Signe Mills Green)
- Documentation of Church Fires or Missing Records (Minnie Wasmeier)
- Notes from the President's Diary (Melvin Baker)
2015 Volume 31 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Surrogate Court Conception Bay Part 3 (David Davis)
- Growing Up in Thoroughfare (Signe Mills Green)
- We have no DNA in common, How can that be? (Fred Smith)
- NL Strays/Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- Noah Nicolle of Blackhead Conception Bay (Susan Reid)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- With Our Regiment at Gallipoli By Sargent Norman MacLeod 1915 (Melvin Baker)
- 1945 Census (Fred Smith)
- Timothy Collins of Mint Cove Spaniard's Bay (Marilyn Collins Pilkington)
2016 Volume 32 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- Harbour Grace Standard: Notes on Contents, 1864-1866 (David Davis)
- NL Strays / Deaths Afar (Patrick Walsh)
- Brother Victims: Burying Casualties of War on Bell Island, Newfoundland, November 1942 (Peter Neary)
- In Memoriam (Patrick Walsh)
- New Found Love: The F.P. OBriens of Bay Bulls (K.M. Zaracki)
- Gower Street Methodist Church Marriages (David Wells)
- William Coaker's Visit to the Logging Camps and to the Northeast Coast, March 1915 (Melvin Baker)
2016 Volume 32 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Growing up in Thoroughfare (Signe Mills Green)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Surrogate Court, Conception Bay, Part 4 (David Davis)
- Introduction to Newfoundland History (Colin Withall)
- Members Research Inquiries
2016 Volume 32 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Editors' Note
- An Important Lesson and the Wreck of The Puritan off Greenspond, BB (Janet Morrissey)
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- Looking for a Freemason Ancestor? (Susan Reid)
- Fogo Anglican Burials (Jill Marshall)
- Channel Islands Family Names (Rosalind Babb Stokes
- President's Trip of Inspection (Melvin Baker)
2016 Volume 32 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Chinese Graves at the General Protestant Cemetery, St. John's (Terra Barrett, Heather Elliot, Dale Jarvis, Li Xingpei)
- The Little School House Remembers / Marriage Years (Signe Mills Green)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
2017 Volume 33 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Marriage Years (Signe Mills Green)
- Diary of Mr. Coaker on his Trip on the S.S. Can't Lose (Melvin Baker)
2017 Volume 33 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- Our Community Shoal Harbour (Jerry Ivany)
- Labrador Fishermen's Trip (Capt. Joseph Prim)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Marooned - William Coaker's 1912 Train Trip (Melvin Baker)
2017 Volume 33 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Terry's Plantation (Marion R. Hardy)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- The Case of James Dempsey (Ethel Dempsey)
- Devon and Newfoundland Links (Marion R. Hardy)
- Michael Day (Fred Smith)
- Premises at Fermeuse Harbour (Marion R. Hardy)
- William Coaker's Trip to Badger Logging Camp (Melvin Baker)
2017 Volume 33 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- 1892 Christmas Cards (Pat Angel and Christine Kent)
- Aunt Julia (Linda Crocker)
- John Marshall and Mary Houlihan First Marshalls in Burin (Patricia Balkcom)
- Christmas on Main Street Windsor (Terra Barrett)
- Christmas Customs and their Origins
- William Coaker's Triumphant Tour North (Melvin Baker)
2018 Volume 34 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- William Harding's Diary (continued) (Brian Williams)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- SS Eagle, Bowring Brothers Sealing in the 1930s (Leslie A. Winsor)
- A Survey of White Bronze Mortuary Monuments in St. John's (Dale Jarvis and Kelly Drover)
- Less Used Resources: Settlement Certificates (Toronto East Family History Centre, Jill Marshall)
- Hon. Mr. Coaker's Notes on his Eleventh Annual Tour North (1920) (Melvin Baker)
2018 Volume 34 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (continued) (Brian Williams)
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Population of Garnish (Max Grandy)
- Tributes by Sir William Coaker (Melvin Baker)
2018 Volume 34 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Newfoundland Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Two Newfoundland Weddings in Cape Breton (Peter Neary)
- Tributes by Sir William Coaker (Part 2) (Melvin Baker)
- William Harding's Diary (continued) (Brian Williams)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The Location of Coakerville (Frederick Smith)
- "Mr Coaker Describes his Trip to Canada and the United States (1916)" (Melvin Baker)
2018 Volume 34 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- Donald Tarrant Tribute
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- MacKay Brothers (Alf Brandl)
- William Harding Diary (Brian Williams)
- The Early History of Harbour Grace, Bristol Links (Pete Noel)
- Newfoundland Strays -- Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Lost in a Snow Storm (Melvin Baker)
2019 Volume 35 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- The SS Strathavon (Les Winsor)
- Strays and Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Early History of Harbour Grace (Pete Noel)
- A Confusing Coincidence (John Templeton)
- Keeping the Salt to Renews (Gerald Barnable)
2019 Volume 35 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- Mitochondrial Haplogroup H5a5 in Newfoundland and Labrador (David Pike)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Peter Winser of Aquaforte (Janet Morrisey)
- Strays and Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- The Early History of Harbour Grace (Pete Noel)
- Mauger/Majore Families (E. Margaret Millins)
- Keeping the Salt to Renews (Gerald Barnable)
2019 Volume 35 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Mallards of Quidi Vidi (Rosalind Babb Stokes and Ethel Dempsey)
- The Welsh Quarrymen of Random Island, Newfoundland (Michael Williams)
- James Rice: Devon to Newfoundland (John Templeton)
- NL Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- The Early History of Harbour Grace and its Bristol Links (Pete Noel)
2019 Volume 35 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Harbour Grace, Some Battles & Jerseymen, Part 5 (Pete Noel)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- Teachers We Remember (Pat Walsh)
- NL Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Coaker's Observations on Corner Brook (Mel Baker)
2020 Volume 36 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- Off to See the King (Pat Walsh)
- Valentines by P. Florence Miller (Pat Angel)
- NL Strays and Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Bryant's Cove Church and Cemetery (Rosalind Babb)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian William)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- In 1756 my Fifth Great Grandmother took my Fifth Great Grandfather to Court (Frederick Smith)
- A Trip Along the Line (Melvin Baker)
2020 Volume 36 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Marriages, Births & Baptisms of Garnish - 1846 to 1858 (Max Grandy)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Harbour Grace, Bristolians and Jerseymen, Part 6 (Pete Noel)
- Robert William Boyle, A Famous But Often Forgotten Newfoundlander (Frederick Smith)
- Teachers We May Remember, Part Two (Pat Walsh)
- Research in Virtual Time and Space: Frances Maitland (Blair) Frew Hunt (Suzanne Sexty)
2020 Volume 36 Issue 3 |
- President's Report
- Some Tips on Using the Digital Archives Initiative (MUN) (Suzanne Sexty)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Swansea to Tilt Cove: Perilous Voyages (Michael Williams)
- Diamond Family of Catalina & Flowers Cove (Karl Janes)
- Leshane/Shano Family of Lower Island Cove, CBN (Karl Janes)
- The Early History of Harbour Grace, Bristolians and Elusive Jerseymen, Part 7 (Pete Noel)
2020 Volume 36 Issue 4 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Hope Cottage (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Teachers We May Remember (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- Voyage of the Fanny (Gerald Riggs)
- Bay de Verde Cemeteries (Gerald Riggs)
- Church Records (Pat Angel)
- The Story of Richard Noseworthy and Esau Piercey (Max Grandy)
2021 Volume 37 Issue 1 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- World War II Stories (Gerald Riggs)
- Blacksmith Shops Bay de Verde (Gerald Riggs)
- NL Strays - Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Colonial Conflicts, Governors and "Erring Captains" (Pete Noel)
- The Newells of the Dock (Kate Newell)
- Genealogical Data (Margaret Mullins)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- The Lecor Headstone (Maryssa Barras)
2021 Volume 37 Issue 2 |
- President's Report
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Diamond Family of Change Islands (Karl Janes)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- James Rice of Twillingate: A Correction and Addition (John Templeton)
- Southampton, Dawes, & Some Jersey Planters in Port de Grave (Pete Noel)
- Wells Family of Exploits Island (Karl Janes)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
2021 Volume 37 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Finding the Ancestors of my Great-Grandmother (Fred Smith)
- The Wreck of the S.S. Tolesby and Brave Joseph (Joe) Perry (Brian Mallard)
- Bristol Merchants after the Civil War, Early Planters & Jerseymen (Pete Noel)
- The Family of Rex Cook (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Unexpected Visitors (Craig Morrissey)
2021 Volume 37 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Enlisted Men from Lower Island Cove (Judy Rogers)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- A Newfoundland Record Noted in Massachusetts' Court Records (Pete Noel)
- Joseph Roberts Smallwood - Barrelman 1937-1943 as Community Historian (Melvin Baker)
2022 Volume 38 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Follow Up to Enlisted Men (Chris Morry)
- Follow Up to Enlisted Men (Robert Halfyard)
- Newfoundland & Labrador Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- About those Guys (Pete Noel)
- Death in Iceberg Alley (Milton Anstey)
- A Court Case Solves a Family Mystery (Robert Halfyard)
- Goldstone Street near FHSNL Office (Pat Walsh)
- Linking Pitts Family of NL and Devon, Eng. (Susan Squires)
2022 Volume 38 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays and Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- The Picco Family (Devon Griffin)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Police Diary of Constable William Martin (Gerald Barnable)
- Teachers we may Remember (Pat Walsh)
- The Newells of the Dock (Kate Newell)
- My Story of Ancient Mariners (Jennie Crisp)
2022 Volume 38 Issue 3 |
- President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- South Coast Information (Margaret Mullins)
- My Mystery Photograph (Lynn Fogwill)
- Charbonniere & More Jerseymen (Ladies Welcome?) Part 12 (Pete Noel)
- Dartmouth and the Newfoundland Fisheries, Part Two (J.A. Crisp)
- Reorganization of the Magistracy in 1935 (Melvin Baker)
2022 Volume 38 Issue 4 |
- President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- South Avalon & More Jerseymen (Pete Noel)
- Late Nineteenth Century Migration from North Wales to Newfoundland (Michael Williams)
- Law and Order in 1933 in Newfoundland (Melvin Baker)
2023 Volume 39 Issue 1 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Jane Crant Keeping and George Keeping (Edward Hartigan)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- William Harding's Diary (Brian Williams)
- Teachers We May Remember (Pat Walsh)
- More Joisey Birds (Pete Noel)
2023 Volume 39 Issue 2 |
- President's Report (Fred Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Dorothy Mildred Lawrence (Walter Burton)
- Gosse/Goss Family (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Bay Bulls Courts Records RC St. John's Basilica Archives (Marian Norris)
- Isle de St. Pierre, Huguenots and a Tangle of Jerseymen in Harbour Grace, Part 15 (Pete Noel)
- Tracking 19th Century New World Families (Aiden Holden)
2023 Volume 39 Issue 3 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Adams Family (Rosaline Babb Stokes)
- A Hidden Source - Deaths, marriages and births (Aiden Holden)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- One Soldier's Story (Paul J. Dwyer)
2023 Volume 39 Issue 4 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Dr. Claude Buffett, Native of Grand Bank, Newfoundland and Medical Doctor in Hawaii (Max Grandy)
- Enlisted Men from Lower Island Cove (Judy Rogers)
- Hiscock Families of Newfoundland (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Bringing Lizzie Home (Craig Morrissey)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- More Joisey Birds - Tocques, Gasnier, Poingdestre, Messervy, Snow (Pete Noel)
2024 Volume 40 Issue 1 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- Carter Family (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Bishop Edward Feild's 1849 Baptisms in the West Coast and Labrador, Part I (Andrew Ballam)
- The Mayers Family and the Newfoundland Clothing Company of St. John's (Jack Haines and Stephanie Dennis)
- Links Between Wexford & Newfoundland As Exemplified by the Keough Surname (Raymond M. Keogh)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
2024 Volume 40 Issue 2 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- In Memoriam (Pat Walsh)
- Margaret Mullins - A Tribute (Elsa Flack and Randell Pope)
- An Annotated Commentary on Bishop Edward Feild's 1849 Baptisms in the West Coast and Labrador, Part II (Andrew Ballam)
- Treatise on the History of the Early Newfoundland Vokey Family & Surname (Cary Leclaire)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Calling the Kennedys of Crocker's Cove (Craig Morrissey)
- Tucker Family (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Teachers We May Have Known (Pat Walsh)
2024 Volume 40 Issue 3 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- Account of "The Pittman Family of New Perlican" (Melvin Baker and Craig Morrissey)
- The Knights of Pythias and My Mystery Photograph (Lynn Fogwill)
- The Motor Cycle Club of St John's (Bill Whelan)
- The Balsoms (H. Joseph Seward)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- The Guest List - Newfoundland Confederate Association Dinner January 5, 1949 (Pat Walsh)
- Butler - One Old Name (Rosalind Babb Stokes)
- Happy Anniversary To Us (Pat Walsh)
2024 Volume 40 Issue 4 |
- The President's Report (Frederick R. Smith)
- The Unknown Fishermen of Wild Cove (Valentine Linehan)
- In Memorium (Pat Walsh)
- Officers of the Knights of Pythias 1894-1899 (Lynn Fogwill)
- William and Lizzie: A True North American Tale (Giles (Bill) Day)
- Requests for Research Assistance
- Newfoundland and Labrador Strays Deaths Afar (Pat Walsh)
- Coates of the Shore (Rosalind Stokes)
- Newfoundland's Cabinet Members 1949 (Pat Walsh)
- 1942 Knights of Columbus Hostel Fire (Melvin Baker & Craig Morrissey)