Welcome Forums Indigenous Ancestry Pottle Family

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  • #6683
    John Yetman

    Looking for information on the Pottle family from Labrador. Dar Pottle was my great grandfather. My mother remembers him quite fondly.

    Norma Michelin

    Newfoundland Grand Banks – its a web page that you can search and there is lots of information on Pottle’s there is a bible listing names

    There is also a book written by Arminius Young a Methodist Missionary in Labrador it gives lots of info on early labrador and its families

    There is also the book the Labrador Parson written by Reverend Henry Gordon 1915-1925
    it also has lots of information on early families.


    Do you know where I could obtain a copy of both of these books? Are they online?

    Norma Michelin

    you can locate them both on line because of how old the books are.

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